“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
— Henry David Thoreau, Philosopher
「如果一个人朝他的梦想有自信的前进,并尽力过他所想像的生活,他将会在平凡的时辰与成功不期而遇。」– 梭罗 (哲学家)
advance (v.) 前进。例:The troop has advanced across the field. (军队已越过原野。) endeavor (v.) 努力,尽力。例:We always endeavor to please our customers. (我们总是努力取悦我们的顾客。) common (adj.) 普通的,平凡的。