Mourning the Death of Maxim Gorky 悼高尔基
◎ Ye Zi ◎ 叶紫
Maxim Gorky has exerted enormous influence on me and benefited me a lot.He is my most beloved writer.
I learned of his illness from newspapers when I was about to leave for Hangzhou for a short visit at the invitation of a friend.Deeply concerned about the ailing literary giant,I took with me two books that were my favourites among his works:Selected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky and Stories of the Grassland,believing they would afford me an insight into his great soul and teach me how to“live on”.Of course,it is not these two books alone that have contributed to his eminence,nor have I come to love him by reading only one or two of his works.Yet it has certainly done me much good to read exclusively the two books in question.
当从报纸上得到他的病讯的时候,我正应一个朋友的邀约,准备到杭州去作一个短时间的旅行,为了挂念这病着的大作家,我带了两本最心爱的他底著作:一本是《短篇创作选集》,一本是《草原故事》。因为从这两本书里,我可以看到这个作家的伟大的灵魂,也可以学到一些“怎样去生活”的方法。当然,他的伟大还不仅仅是这两本书,我爱他的也不仅仅是这三数篇作品。然而我所得到的关于这两本书的益处,也就不少了。On my way to Hangzhou,I was daily on the lookout for news about him.I felt relieved whenever his body temperature dropped,and otherwise I felt worried.And the two books I was reading made me impressed with his greatness all the more.
When I learned of his death on the second day after my return to Shanghai,my heart sank.Words failed me as to how grieved I was and how inspired I was with respect for him.
他的死讯,是我重回上海的第二天才得到的,我的心里当时觉得一下子沉下去了!我不能找出一句适当的话来形容我底心中的悲哀和纪念他的人格的伟大!His death is a loss not only to the Soviet Union,but also to all young devotees to literature the world over.No longer can we receive new instruction from him; no longer can we read his new remarkable works.
他的死,不但是苏联的损失,而且是全世界文学青年的损失。因为我们将再得不到他的新的指示,再看不到他的新的伟大的作品了。What we can do while commemorating and mourning for the great writer is to search among the works he has left behind for guidance as to how to“live on”.
纪念他和哀痛他,只能由他遗留下来的作品里去找寻我们“怎样去生活”的路。The way before us is very long,and dark and arduous.His works,however,will shine permanently like a beacon to guide our advance.