《论语》:中国春秋时期一部语录体散文集,主要记载孔子及其弟子的言行。它较为集中地反映了孔子的思想。由孔子弟子及再传弟子编纂而成。全书共20篇、492章,首创 “语录体” 。
8. The Master said, If a gentleman is frivolous, he will lose the respect of his inferiors and lack firm ground upon which to build up his education. First and foremost he must learn to be faithful to his superiors, to keep promises, to refuse the friendship of all who are not like him. And if he finds he has made a mistake, then he must not be afraid of admitting the fact and amending his ways.
9. Master Tseng said, When proper respect towards the dead is shown at the End and continued after they are far away the moral force of a people has reached its highest point.
10. Tzu-Ch’in said to Tzu-kung, When our Master arrives in a fresh country he always manages to find out about its policy. Does he do this by asking questions, or do people tell him of their own accord? Tzu-kung said, Our Master gets things by being cordial, frank, courteous, temperate, deferential. That is our Master’s way of enquiring – a very different matter, certainly, from the way in which enquiries are generally made.
11. The Master said, While a man’s father is alive, you can only see his intentions; it is when his father dies that you discover whether or not he is capable of carrying them out. If for the whole three years for mourning he manages to carry on the household exactly as in his father’s day, then he is a good son indeed.
12. Master Yu said, In the usages of ritual it is harmony that is prized; the Way of the Former Kings from this got its beauty. Both small matters and great depend upon it. If things go amiss, he who knows the harmony will be able to attune them. But if harmony itself is not modulated by ritual, things will still go amiss.