《没蕃故人》是唐代诗人张籍所作的五言律诗,是《全唐诗》的第384卷第111首。[1] 此诗首联以叙事的方式交待全军覆没的时间和地点;颔联承接上文写诗人与友人消息断绝、不知生死的沉痛之情;颈联用一组特写镜头,想象全军覆没后的惨景;尾联情真意切,诚堪呜咽,揭示诗人内心两为其难、望涯痛哭的曲折心情。全诗不着议论,但字里行间充溢着对没蕃故人和唐军将士的深切同情,而对战争的痛恨和对国事的忧虑亦隐寓其中。
《没蕃故人》 张籍
To an Old Friend Lost in Tubo
Zhang Ji
At the borderland were you stationed last year;
Your army was lost outside the city wall.
News was cut off between here and the frontier;
The living are severed from those who fell at duty’s call.
Your tent was left with no one to retrieve;
Your horse knew the torn flag on its homeward way.
I’d offer a sacrifice, but can I believe
You are dead? Alas! I shed my tears far way.