Letter to a Young Friend
Among all the people I know,there is one very special friend.She is young,beautiful and intelligent1).Her name is Caroline,she lives in Hongkong and she is 7years old.She goes to a school meant mainly for expatriate2) children.Her mother,Australia n by birth,has lived in Hongkong all her life.Her father is Swiss3) and owns a small trading company.Recently when I was at their home,Caroline picked up a copy of Asiaweek and,spotting my picture,asked me what I write about.I told her that it' s mainly about people.“Oh,why don't you write about me sometime?”she asked in her usual imperious4) manner.I told her that when she grows up and becomes famous,many people will write about her.“Okay,then,just write me a letter,like Uncle Charles from Sydney,”she commanded.I promised her that,and here it is:
Dear Caroline,
I am glad that you asked me to write to you.I have wanted to talk to you about a lot of things,but you are always so busy.There's school and piano or ballet5) lessons,then homework or a birthday party to go to.Once a week you have to write to Granny in Zurich and Uncle Charles in Sydney.You are almost as busy as big-business people in Hongkong.It's a pity that you can't keep a pet and have nowhere to ride a bike.That's why,I think,your mother gives you other things to keep you busy.Though you don't like ballet class,she wants you to grow up to be a lady.You see,most parents want for their children what they admired in their own childhood.When your mother was young it was considered a treat for girls to learn music and dance.But if you would like to study other things,too,never think you can't or shouldn't just because someone says they are only for boys.Women today are astronauts6),engineers,doctors,pilots7) and politicians.Don't limit your choices to what girls did in the past.
You remember the day when your father and I took you to the tennis tournament8)?You were waiting with friends at school and there was another girl standing alone.I think she was from Sri Lanka and one of the few Asian students in your school.Why don't you talk to her sometimes and find out more about her beautiful country?I am sure you also have some Chinese schoolmates.Hongkong is their home,you know,and they will be here when your other friends have gone.Don't forget that Hongkong is really your home,too --not Zurich or Sydney.Even if you leave,you will always remember it.So why not make some good friends who will still be here in case you decide to come back for a visit?
I know you don't get a chance to make too many local friends.The club where you swim has few Asian children,and I thought it sad that the schoolbooks of yours that I saw don't teach anything about China or anywhere else in Asia.Students in Australia today are learning more about Asia than your classmates are.By the time you grow up,Australia is likely to consider itself a member of the family of Asian countries.You may be proud of calling yourself an Asian.But by then people like you would be sons and daughters of many countries.And you would be important in helping everyone understand the world we all share.
I'll never forget the evening when you saw the man with a basket full of newborn kittens.He said that if nobody bought them,they would have to be drowned.You couldn't stop crying when you were not allowed to take one home.Sad to say,the world is filled with things a lot crueller9) than that.Too many prople,too little space.Too much fear and greed and too little love and mercy.We pretend that other people's problems are not ours and get angry when they affect us.Remember the day you got a rash from swimming in the dirty ocean?Think about the poor fish who have to live in that water.The air we breathe all the time is getting dirtier,too.We'll all be proud if you become a great ballerina or pianist.But don't forget there are so many other things to do.My hope is that you grow up to be not only a lady but a woman who knows enough about the wider world to help improve it.Then,Caroline,there really would be hundreds of people interested in writing about you.
Uncle Hari
□by Hari Bed
真高兴给你写信。我有好多好多事要告诉你,可你总是忙。你要读书,上钢琴课、芭蕾课,还有作业呀,参加生日舞会什么的。每周,你要给苏黎世的奶奶和悉尼的伯伯写信,真像香港的大老板那样忙碌。我真同情你,既没养小动物,也没地方骑小车。我想,你妈妈安排了那么多的事要你做,就是不让你闲着吧。虽然你不太喜欢学芭蕾,妈妈却希望这能帮助你成为一个标准的好姑娘。要知道,大多数父母,都期待着自己童年的梦想在他们的孩子们身上实现。当你妈妈年轻时,那时姑娘们的风尚就是习歌学舞。可是,如果你想学些其他知识,别只因有些人说只有男孩才能做,就认为自己不行或不该做。今天的女性中有宇航员、工程师、医生,也有飞行员和政治家。别把自己的选择限制在过去女孩所做的事情中。 记得有一天我与你爸爸带你去看网球赛吗?你和你的朋友们聚在校门口等着,旁边却孤零零地站着一位小姑娘。我想她一定来自斯里兰卡,是你们学校中为数不多的亚洲学生中的一位。干吗不与她聊聊呢,多了解些她那个美丽国家的事情。我敢肯定你还有华人同学。你知道,香港是他们的家。当你的那些朋友离开以后,他们还会留在这儿。别忘了香港也是你的家---不是苏黎世也不是悉尼。即使你今后走了,你也会常常怀念这个地方。试想,有一天你打算回香港观光,干吗现在不多交些仍将留在本地的好朋友呢?
NOTE 注释:
1. intelligent [in5telidVEnt] adj. 聪明的, 伶俐的
2. expatriate [eks5pAtrIEt; (?@) -peIt-] adj. 移居国外的
3. Swiss [swis] n. 瑞士人
4. imperious [im5piEriEs] adj. 急迫的
5. ballet [5bAlei, bA5lei] n. 芭蕾舞
6. astronaut [5AstrEnC:t] n. 宇航员
7. pilot [5pailEt] n. 飞行员
8. tournament [5tuEnEmEnt] n. 比赛, 锦标赛, 联赛
9. cruel [5kruEl] adj. 悲伤的