英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑Qualities Employers Seek
教程:英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑  浏览:1610  
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    Qualities Employers Seek


    Almost every career requires such skills as listeningspeakingreadingwritingdecision makingresearchingreasoningcreativitypersuasionleadershipinterpersonal communicationand organizationIn addition, a number of characteristics that may be important for specific jobsachievementaggressiveness1)ambitiondependabilitydisciplinehonestyinitiativemotivationpeople orientation2)persistenceresponsibilityselfconfidenceselfstartingsensitivitysinceritytenacityand toughmindednessThe way you acquire these skills and behaviours isto a great extentup to youWithout themno matter how bright and knowledgeable you may belanding a t op job is extremely difficultif not impossibleThe most likely way to obtain these skills and behaviours is through coursesreadinginternships3)parttime or full time employmentextracurricular activitiesand participation in community functions

    Knowing what an employer is looking f or in a potential employee can help an applicant to prepare for an interviewAn interviewer for a major corporation was asked these questionsWhat specific skills are you looking for in applicantsAnd how do you identify these skillsHe responded

    Most important for us in the way of skills is the ability to communicate--can people speak clearlyCan they articulate the kind of person they believe themselves to beIn what kind of work situations do they perform wellWhat are their strengths and weaknessesWe w ant to know about the personal qualities of the individualso I try to ask questions to draw them out and attempt to find out if they have a sense of themselvesWhat I'm looking for is an ability to verbalize4) an idea in clearsimpleunderstandable languageI'm also looking for the ability to listen attentively and then to be able to respond to5) an idea or thought that has been presented to themIf they do have good communication skillsthey will be able to do this logically and succinctly

    I am looking for creativity--can they be spontaneousI  will ask some offthewall6)questions just to see if this throws themHow do they respond in these tough situations--can they be creative with their answersThis is very important when they are out in business situations with customersThey will have to respond to very sudden changes and problemsolving situations that they are not necessarily familiar withand I want to know if they can handle them

    What we look for the most are personal qualities--assertivenessselfmotivationdriveambitionand a competitive instinctThey should be high achievers and want to work hardI can usually tell a bout these qualities from the way the person presents himself or herself and some of the activities they have engaged inI pick up things from the applications and resume--how they have written them and the kinds of things they sayHow they present their experiences is often very informative7)For examplean assertive person will say,“I can do these thingsandI decided on this course of action,”whereas a more passive person might say,“These are the experiences I have had.”All of these things describe the person in some way










    NOTE 注释:


    aggressiveness [E5^resivnis] n. 积极进取

    orientation [7C(:)rien5teiFEn] n. 定位

    internship [`Int:nFIp] n. 实习

    verbalize [5vE:bElaiz] v. 描述

    respond to 反应,回应

    off-the-wall adj. 异乎寻常的,古怪的

    informative [in5fC:mEtiv] adj. 提供信息的



      上一篇:英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑Secrets of Self-made1) Successes 下一篇:英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑Dealing with Adversity1)


