New guard for health
Smart Shirt Georgia Tech engineers,sponsored1) by the Navy,have developed a Smart shirt that can monitor your vital signs and beam urgent2) messages to your doctor.In combat,the shirt could be a lifesaver:it can detect bullet wounds with optical sensors3) and radio back to HQ for help.Within the next five years,doctors may use it to keep an eye on post-op patients,athletes and astronauts.And for new parents worried about SIDS?Tiny wired pajamas4).
Stress Glove In the80s,wearing a single glove made you look cool.These days it may keep you from losing your cool.MIT's Galvactivator is a fingerless glove rigged5) with an LED display that glows bright white when your stress hormones go into high gear.The glove measures skin conductivity,a reliable indicator6) for excitement levels.It could help the anger-prone to control their tempers:like the warning light in your car,it comes on when you start overheating.It could also help you signal romantic interest across a crowded room,if winks and come-hither gestures don' t work.
健 康 新 卫 士
智能衫 佐治亚理工学院的工程师们在海军部支持下,已经研制出一种智能衫,它能监视与生命有关的征兆,并向医生发出紧急信息。在战斗中,这种衬衫可以挽救人的生命:它可以利用光学传感器发现枪伤并利用无线电向总部发出求助信号。在未来五年内,医生们有望用这种智能衫对手术后的病人、运动员、宇航员进行健康观测。小型的装有报警器的睡衣可以帮助那些初为父母,担心自己的孩子患上婴儿猝死综合症的人们。
测压手套 在80年代,戴一只手套会让你看上去很酷。今天,它可能会使你保持冷静。由麻省理工学院研制的电流器是一种无指手套,它配有发光的二极管显示器。当你的压力荷尔蒙达到高位时,显示器会发出明亮的白光。这种手套可以测量皮肤的传导性,是衡量兴奋度的可靠指示器。它可以帮助易怒的人控制自己的情绪:就像你车里的警报灯,当你“过热”时它就向你发出警告。在一个拥挤的房间里它还可以帮助你传达对异性的好感,如果你一再挤眉弄眼和打手势招呼其过来均不奏效的话。
NOTE 注释:
1. sponsor [5spCnsE] v. 支持,赞助
2. urgent [5E:dVEnt] adj. 急迫的, 紧急的
3. optical sensor [5CptikEl 5sensE] 光学传感器
4. pajamas [pI5dVB:mEz] n. 睡衣
5. rig [ri^] v. 配备
6. indicator [5indikeitE] n. 指示器