As is revealed in the drawing, instead of writing by and for themselves, four college students are craning their necks to plagiarize each other's term papers respectively.
The cartoon reveals a phenomenon not uncommon in today's academe. Plagiarizing the work of others and cheating on exams are two unfair tactics used by students in an attempt to attain higher grades. Such actions may be propelled by laziness, lack of self-confidence and academic pressure. If such dishonest practices become prevalent at an institution of higher learning, then what would be the point of entering this university where nothing is learnt but to copy the work of others? In addition, this misconduct results in severe consequences, such as grade-related penalties, suspension, or an adverse disciplinary record that may very well impact future opportunities and so on.
In summary, students who plagiarize others' work or cheat on exams end up hurting themselves. Academic dishonesty may lead to habitual dishonesty that could have a negative impact on students' lives long after they leave university.
plagiarize 抄袭,剽窃
term paper 学期论文
academe 学术(幽默用法)
cheat 作弊
unfair 不公平的
tactic 策略
attempt 企图
grade 成绩
action 行为
propel 驱使
laziness 懒惰
self-confidence 自信
academic pressure 学业压力
dishonest 不诚实的
practice 做法
point 目的,意图
copy 抄袭
misconduct 不诚实行为
penalty 惩罚
suspension 暂时停学
disciplinary 惩处的
record 记录
and so on 等等
in summary 总之
academic dishonesty 学术欺诈
habitual 习惯性的
negative 负面的
1 The most immediate consequence of cheating is the possibility of being caught.
2 Actions of academic dishonesty diminish the overall value of scholastic achievements of a university.