考研满分作文 | 环境保护类:人口与野生物种
教程:考研英语作文  浏览:1688  
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         As the two charts show, the world population in 2010 was nearly three times that in 1950, an increase accompanied by the extinction of 30,000 wildlife species during the 60-year period. A correlation is revealed that mankind has exerted a tremendous negative influence on wildlife species.
         Currently, there is widespread concern regarding the previously neglected connection between a growing human population and decreasing wild species. Humankind's increasing need for land due to a rising population inevitably means that there will be competition between humans and wild species. And this is a battle that wildlife is losing and therefore there are more and more endangered species every year with some species dying out.
         The effects of population growth on wildlife species are certain to continue unless drastic changes take place. The silver lining in the dark cloud is that if we take action to protect endangered wild species and their habitats now, mass extinction can be delayed.




         accompany 伴随
         extinction 灭绝
         wildlife species 野生物种
         correlation 关联
         reveal 揭示
         mankind 人类
         exert 施加
         tremendous 巨大的
         widespread 普遍的
         regarding 关于
         previously 之前
         connection 关系
         wild species 野生物种
         humankind 人类
         battle 战役
         wildlife 野生动植物
         lose 输掉
         endangered species 濒危物种
         drastic 激烈的
         take place 发生
         take action 采取行动
         habitat 生活环境,栖息地
         mass extinction 大规模灭绝
         delay 推迟


    1 The ongoing population growth will inevitably crowd out wild species and is likely to threaten hundreds of species with extinction within years to come.
    2 Loss of species, especially keystone species that are important to the environment, can disrupt ecosystems.

      上一篇:考研满分作文 | 社会热点类:交通事故 下一篇:考研满分作文 | 教育文化类:工程硕士招生

