Julia: Hello. I’m the manager of Human Resource Department of the company. I’m Julia.
王 萍:你好,我是王萍。
Wang Ping :Hello, I’m Wang Ping.
Julia: Well, please give me a brief introduction about yourself.
王 萍:我在大学的专业是企业管理,毕业后我在一家外贸公司工作了两年。我是一个热情的,自我激励型的人。为了在工作中取得成功,我会非常努力。 我能顶住压力做好工作,并且乐于做具有挑战性的工作。
Wang Ping :I majored in Business Management in college, and after graduation I worked for a foreign trade company for two years. I’m an enthusiastic and self-motivated person. I try very hard to be successful in my work, I can work well under pressure and enjoy doing challenging work.
Julia:Ok. In your current job, what has satisfied you most?
王 萍:嗯,当我知道上司信任我并把重要的任务交给我完成时我最为满意。
Wang Ping :Well, I feel most satisfied when I know my boss trusts me to complete an important task.
Julia:What have you learned from the jobs you’ve had?
王 萍:我学会了如何与个性不同的人共事。
Wang Ping :I’ve learned how to get along with people of different personalities.
Julia:Can you explain it in detail?
王 萍:好的。在工作中有时会遇到紧急情况,比如说,人们在最后期限快到时可能会急躁,这种情况往往会让人发脾气或者说一些通常不会说的话,这种情况发生时,我不会让它干扰自己,我只是继续工作,因为我知道这种状况最终会平息的。
Wang Ping :Yes. I’ve learned that business situations can become quite tense. For example, people may get impatient because deadlines are always there. This sometimes causes people to get angry or say things they usually wouldn’t say. When this happens, I don’t let it bother me. I just keep working and I realize things will eventually calm down.
Julia:What would you say is the accomplishment you feel most proud about?
王 萍:不论经济形势如何恶劣,每年都保持增长的销售纪录。
Wang Ping :That is increasing out sales record each year, despite the bad economic situation,
Julia: Sounds good. But if things are going so well, why do you want to quit?
王 萍:我想离职的原因是因为我发觉没有晋升的机会。
Wang Ping :I’m leaving my present job simply because I see no chance of promotion.
Julia: Great! It sounds like you might be a good fit. You can get a reply in a few days.
王 萍:非常感谢!
Wang Ping :Thank you very much.