Lesson Introduction: Today's podcast talks about a common situation: waiting in line. Some people are impatient and want to cut in line, so you will learn how to tell someone, in English, to get to the back of the line!
A: I can’t believe it took us two hours to get here. The traffic in New York is unbelievable.
B: Yeah, but just relax honey, we’re here and we’re going on vacation. In a few hours we’ll be in Hawaii, and you’ll be on the golf course.
A: Oh no! Look at that line! It must be a mile long!There’s no way I’m waiting for another two hours.
B: Honey... don’t...
C: Hey man, the end of the line is over there.
A: Yeah...
C: No seriously, I was here first, and you can’t cut in line like this.
A: Says who?
C: I do!
A: So sue me!
C: Alright...that’s it....
unbelievable incredible, amazing
relax calm down
be a mile long is very long
cut in line move in front of someone waiting in line
there’s no way it’s impossible
traffic jam many cars not moving on the road
a few hours from now soon, in a couple of hours
form a queue to get in line
jump the queue cut in line ( Br E)
stand in line wait in line
line up form a line