英语播客初级版 第230期(外教讲解):探险旅游
教程:英语播客初级版  浏览:999  
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    A: Welcome to Adventure Tours . How may I help you?
    B: I want to book a tour with adventure sports.
    A: Excellent! Our company has more than ten years of experience in the adventure tourism and sports field . Let me show you some options. This is our most popular choice, our river guides will take you on a whitewater rafting trip followed by a ride in a hot air balloon !
    B: I don’t really think I’m ready to throw myself down a river full of jagged rocks in a rubber boat or go up in the air in a wicker basket held up by an oversize balloon. What else do you have?
    A: Well, in that case, we can take you hang gliding with one of our experienced instructors. It’s the closest you can get to flying.
    B: What? You mean strap myself to a flimsy kite? No,thank you! Next!
    A: Mmm. OK. Well, why don’t you tell me a little bit more about what you would like? We have everything from mountain biking, to rock climbing to street luge.
    B: I’m thinking something exciting but. safer.
    A: I have the perfect option, this package will take you on a hiking trip through the Himalayas for three days and afterwards there’s a dog sledding journey!
    B: That’s more like it !
    whitewater rafting 急流中漂流
    hot air balloon 热气球
    jagged adj. 锯齿状的; 参差不齐的
    oversize adj. 特大的
    in that case 那样的话
    hang gliding 滑翔翼
    the closest thing you can get to 飞行的最简单方法,最可行的方法
    mountain biking 山地自行车
    rock climbing 攀岩
    street luge街头雪橇
    A: 欢迎来到“探险旅游”。您需要什么服务?
    B: 我想预定一个带有冒险运动的旅游。
    A: 太好了,我们公司在经营探险旅游和运动方面有十多年的经验。我给一些选择。这是我们最受欢迎的选择,我们的河流导游将陪伴你一同在急流中漂流,然后是乘热气球旅行。
    B: 我认为自己还没准备好乘坐橡皮艇在满是锯齿状的岩石中漂亮或是乘坐一个由巨大气球吊起的柳条筐升空。还有别的项目吗?
    A: 那样的话,你可以和我们最富经验的教练一起乘滑翔翼。这是飞行的最简单方法。
    B: 什么?你是我把我绑到很薄的风筝上?不,谢谢了,下一项。
    B: 我想来些刺激但是安全的运动。
    A: 我有个好想法,这个项目将带你进行穿过喜马拉雅山的徒步旅行,然后是狗拉雪橇旅行。
    B: 这和我想的很接近了。
      上一篇:英语播客初级版 第229期(外教讲解):谈论背景 下一篇:英语播客初级版 第232期(外教讲解):买宠物


