over the past few years 这几年……
In addition, ... 另外,……
to adapt foreign cultures 接受外来文化
Catherine: Hey, Happy Halloween!
Jay: Huh? Taiwanese celebrate Halloween as well?
Catherine: Yeah, over the past few years, celebrating this
holiday has become popular among a lot of
people. In addition, news reports have made
most Taiwanese aware of this western holiday.
Jay: Really?! So how do you celebrate it?
Catherine: The most important thing is that school teachers
Catherine: have students dress up in costumes and bring As many as the stars...just kidding, but there are
them out trick or treating. A lot of bars also hold
very many throughout Taiwan.
costume parties.
Jay: So, is Taoism the most popular religion here?
Jay: Wow, you Taiwanese have really learned how to
Catherine: Well, that depends on how you look at it.
adapt foreign cultures to your own!
Nowadays, Taoism and Buddhism are so
Catherine: Yeah, but Christmas is more important to us
though.intertwined that they are dif? cult to separate.
Jay: Jay: Are there many Christians?You go home and spend Christmas with your
families like us?
Catherine: Yes, in fact, it is the third most popular religion.
Catherine: Oh, well no, we spend Christmas with friends or
Jay: Wow, that's an eye opener.
signi? cant others. Older generations don't usually
celebrate it.
Jay: So what do you do on Christmas?
Catherine: Well, actually nothing special really. Just send
Christmas cards, have a party with friends, or go
out for a romantic dinner. You know, that kind of
凯瑟琳: 嘿,万圣节快乐!
杰: 啊?你们台湾人也过万圣节吗?
凯瑟琳: 是啊,这几年突然有一些人开始流行过这个节日了,加上
杰: 是喔?!那你们都怎么过万圣节?
凯瑟琳: 主要是学校的老师会让小朋友打扮成各式各样的人物,然
杰: 哇,你们台湾人对于外来文化的接受力还真强。
凯瑟琳: 不过对我们来说,圣诞节还是比较重要的。
杰: 你们过圣诞节也会回家跟家人团聚吗?
凯瑟琳: 喔,不是,我们的圣诞节是跟朋友或情人一起过的。通常
杰: 那圣诞节你们都做些什么?
凯瑟琳: 其实也没什么特别的,就是寄圣诞卡片、跟朋友一起开个
近义用语 Celebrating western holidays is now widespread
among Chinese.
Investing is becoming more and more popular.
Blond hair is very fashionable among teenagers.
It is very chic to hang out in coffee shops these days.
Studying business seems to be gaining popularity in
all colleges.
相关用法 A-Mei is very popular among young people.