Isolation and discouragement take a toll when you’re unemployed. Join the ranks and shake off the blues by sharing job-hunting tips and a sense of camaraderie.
You Will Need
*Internet access
*Support group
*LinkedIn profile (optional)
Step 1: Use social media 充分利用社会媒体网络,如Facebook和Twitter,寻找和你处境相似的人
Use social media networks, like Facebook and Twitter, along with dedicated forums, such as layoffspace.com, to connect with other unemployed people. Search for groups in your region or for industries similar to yours.
Continue networking even after you get a job. Many job search groups have an alumni network for those who have been hired so you can help those who helped you.
Step 2: Check the newspaper 多浏览一些当地的报纸,了解一些失业救助团体
Check your local newspaper for listings of unemployment support groups. Many groups meet weekly at churches and community centers. They provide valuable information about job training and potential openings.
Use your professional profile, on sites like LinkedIn, to reach out to those in your industry affected by unemployment. Offer to share experiences and tips.
Step 3: Start a blog 创建博客,多写写自己的求职经历
Start a blog outlining your job search experiences. You’ll get feedback from others hunting for a new job — and your blog may even result in a job offer.
Step 4: Check government sites 浏览一些政府网站,也可以从中寻找工作机会
Look at your county or state’s labor bureau website for resume writing tips, unemployment support groups, and job openings.
Step 5: Create your own group 可以创建一个失业者群,相互多多交流
Create your own unemployment support group to serve as a networking opportunity. Advertise on Facebook or in your local newspaper. Connecting with others will help you stay positive in your search and relieve your sense of isolation.
At the height of the Great Depression, the unemployment rate reached 25 percent.
Facebook:Facebook(中文称:脸谱网)是一个社交网路服务网站,于2004年2月4日上线。Facebook首席执行官是马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)。随着用户数量增加,Facebook的目标已经指向另外一个领域:互联网搜索。