You don’t need to completely cut fast food out of your diet when trying to eat healthy, but you have to make sure to make the right selections.
You Will Need
*Menu descriptions
*Lean meats
*Portion control
*Water, skim milk, or unsweetened tea
*Fruit or yogurt
Step 1: Read the menu descriptions 仔细地看看菜单,不要选择油炸等高热量高脂肪的食品
Read the menu descriptions. Avoid dishes that are dripping with sauce, deep-fried, creamy, crispy, or breaded. These items are usually high in calories, sodium, and fat.
Opt for grilled, baked, or broiled sandwiches.
Step 2: Order lean meats 选择鸡肉、牛肉等含脂肪量少的瘦肉
Order lean meats, such as chicken breast, turkey, or roast beef. They’ll lack extra calories, but still be packed with flavor.
Step 3: Ditch the skin and batter 不吃鸡皮,蛋黄酱可以减少240卡路里热量的射入
Remove chicken skin, mayonnaise, and dressing. This can save up to 240 calories and 16 grams of fat for one serving.
Step 4: Control your portion size 控制自己的食量
Control your portion size. Order regular-sized items rather than large and extra-large items.
Step 5: Get rid of high-fat topping 避免食用高脂肪配料,如奶酪、油炸面包丁、培根等等
Get rid of caloric toppings, such as cheese, croutons, and bacon bits. Opt for healthy toppings, such as extra veggies, mustard, and pickles.
Step 6: Reduce your sugar load 避免摄入过多的糖分,选择酸奶或果汁作为饮料,而不是冰激凌,也不要吃甜点
Reduce your sugar intake by ordering a fruit bowl or yogurt, instead of ice cream or pie for dessert. Eat fresh, made-to-order foods whenever possible. Leave the fast food restaurant without feeling guilty by controlling the nutritional value in your meal.
McDonald’s serves over 60 million people in 117 countries every day.
ditch 丢弃
I ditched that old hat of yours.
get rid of 摆脱;除去
To get rid of garbage problems.