Make the Sandman your best friend when you use these tips to achieve REM, or rapid eye movement sleep — and experience its restorative benefits.
You Will Need
*Treatment of sleep disorders
*Healthy lifestyle
*7 hours or more of sleep nightly
Step 1: Consult physician 咨询医师或者睡眠专家
Consult a physician or sleep specialist to determine whether you have a disorder, such as sleep apnea, that interferes with your ability to achieve REM sleep.
Recognize REM sleep by more rapid breathing and limb immobilization.
Step 2: Strive for quality sleep 努力提高睡眠质量
Strive for an overall quality sleep experience by developing a healthy lifestyle including a regular bedtime schedule, exercise, and relaxation.
Know the first REM period occurs between 70 and 90 minutes after falling asleep.
Step 3: Reduce interruptions 避免睡眠中断
Reduce external factors which may interrupt sleep to allow the regular dream-rich REM sleep periods to occur and expand throughout the night.
Maintain a comfortable bedroom temperature to avoid sleep disruption.
Step 4: Avoid antidepressants 不要依赖抗抑郁药
Avoid taking antidepressants which may suppress REM sleep, and be aware that decongestants, diet pills, and caffeinated beverages may also thwart your ability to achieve REM sleep.
Step 5: Avoid cigarettes 睡前不要抽烟
Don’t smoke which often leads to light sleep and reduced amounts of REM sleep.
Step 6: Avoid alcohol 睡前不要喝酒
Avoid alcohol consumption which keeps people in a light sleep stage and reduces one’s ability to reach REM sleep stages.
Step 7: Sleep longer 睡眠时间至少达到每天7小时
Extend your time in bed if necessary to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, providing ample time for REM cycles to occur. Now, enjoy waking up in the morning rested and ready to conquer the world.
If it takes you less than 5 minutes to fall asleep, you are sleep-deprived.
strive for 争取,奋斗
Strive for progress, not perfection.
interruption n. 中断;干扰
He picked up the story after an interruption.