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      Name: Templeton

      Film: Charlotte's Web(《夏洛特的网》)

      Release Time: December, 2006

      Genre: Comedy/Drama/Family





      [Charlotte不顾自己生产在即,陪Wilbur去参加比赛,并再次用它神奇的网上织字本领帮Wilbur夺得了冠军,确保Wilbur以后不被屠宰。但她自己却因劳累过度,无力带着产下的卵囊回到农场,只得请Wilbur帮忙。Wilbur恳求 Templeton帮忙取下Charlotte产下的卵囊,但Templeton却在那里摆架子,谈条件。]

      Wilbur: Templeton! Charlotte is very sick.

      Templeton: Yeah, and twisted.

      Wilbur: She's dying! She can't go home with us. So, I need you to help me take her egg sac (卵囊) with us.

      Templeton: Did you say eggs?

      Wilbur: It's an egg sac. And it's right up there, and it has her children in it. And I can't just leave it here. What if something happened to them? Now, I can't reach it, so I need you to get it for me. And I need you to do it now.

      Templeton: I don't think I like your tone.

      Wilbur: Can't you just once in your life think of someone other than yourself?

      [工人开始搬动猪栏,嘴里在说"A little further. Keep coming. "。]

      Templeton: Once? Once?

      Wilbur: Come on.

      Templeton: No, you come on! Who got his hindquarters (后腿及臀部) pecked (啄) to make you "radiant", huh? Templeton, that's who. And who interrupted the gorging (饱餐) of a lifetime so you could be "humble"? Why, I think it was Templeton! Templeton! Templeton! Templeton! And do I get thanked? No! Well, has it ever occurred to you that even a rat might like a little appreciation? A little, dare I say, love?

      Wilbur: Do it and you'll get dibs (权利) on my slop (猪食) for the rest of my life.

      Templeton: Done〔1〕!

      Wilbur: Hurry! Up in the corner on the ledge (壁架). Templeton! Come on!

      Charlotte: Thank you, Templeton, for everything.


      Name: Roddy

      Film: Flushed Away (《冲走小老鼠》)

      Release Time: November, 2006

      Genre: Animation/Adventure/Comedy/Family



      一如影片的标题,Roddy两次被"flushed away"可谓这部影片的精彩看点,很好地体现了Roddy鼠城大历险前后的不同心理状况。


      第一次被"flushed away"


      Roddy: But before breakfast is served ... er, perhaps sir would care to take a whirl (旋转,此处指"按摩") in the Jacuzzi (一种水流按摩浴缸).

      Sid: A Jacuzzi?


      Roddy: Well, after a hard day navigating sewer (下水道) pipes, there's nothing better than relaxing in a Jacuzzi whirlpool bath.

      Sid: That looks so inviting.

      Roddy: Yes! Yes! The whirlpool looks perfect! Now you hop in, and I'll press this lever to get the bubbles going.

      Sid: Right. In we go! [装作要跳的样子] Oh, wait, wait, wait. I know we got off on the wrong foot〔2〕 before, but you know I really think we're gonna get along, don't you? Be seeing you, my friend. [Sid突然出手,把Roddy推进了马桶] You plonker (傻瓜)! You think I don't know a toilet when I see one? You were gonna flush me down the loo (厕所).

      Roddy: No! No! No! It's a big Jacuzzi! Deluxe (豪华的) model!

      Sid: Then you won't mind if I get the bubbles going, will you?

      Roddy: No! Not the lever! Have mercy! No, I can't swim!

      Sid: Bon voyage〔3〕, me old cream cracker〔4〕! Hold your nose!

      Roddy: You can't do this! You can't do this!

      Sid: You were gonna try to flush me. Let's see how you like it.


      Roddy: Oh, no, I can't swim! I can't swim! I can't ... swim.

      第二次被"flushed away"


      Sid: Please don't flush me, Roddy! I can't survive down there! I've gone soft!

      Roddy: Sid, I want you to flush me. I'm going back.

      Sid: Back?

      Roddy: Rita's in terrible danger. Everyone's in terrible danger! Now, you like it here, don't you?

      Sid: Oh, yes, Roddy. I like it here very much.

      Roddy: And if I leave you, will you be good to Tabitha, the little girl who looks after me?

      Sid: I'll be as good as gold to her, Roddy. And I will be the best pet ever!

      Roddy: Then the place is all yours.

      Sid: Sweet!

      Roddy: Great. Let's get the bubbles going. I've got a big job to do down there.

      Sid: Right away, sir!

      Roddy: So long, Sid.



      Name: Anonymous(无名氏)

      Film: Mouse Hunt(《捕鼠记》)

      Release Time: December, 1997 Genre: Action/Comedy/Family


      《捕鼠记》讲述的是Ernie和Lars这对亲兄弟和一只小耗子的故事。兄弟俩分离多年,直到老父亲去世才再次相聚。开餐厅的哥哥Ernie主张卖掉父亲留下的线厂,但弟弟Lars却坚持不肯。二人相持不下,卖厂一事暂被搁下。不久, Ernie意外破产,Lars则因不肯卖掉线厂,被妻子从家赶了出来。兄弟俩无处可去,只得来到父亲留下的一座老房子过夜。没想到,一只神通广大的小耗子早已捷足先登,成为了这里的主人。兄弟俩夜半打鼠,意外发现老房子竟是建筑大师的传世之作,价值上百万。二人决定将这栋岌岌可危的老房子修整一新,高价卖出。而小耗子面对家园被毁,奋起反抗。一场人鼠大战就此爆发。二人使尽浑身解数,可还是败下阵来,老房子最终轰然倒地,兄弟俩的黄金梦彻底破灭。不过,小耗子不仅聪明而且善良,给俩人指了一条生财之道--旧线厂摇身一变成为奶酪线团加工厂。兄弟二人和好如初,人鼠"握手言和"。

      影片中那只聪明绝顶的小耗子一言不发,就把兄弟俩"打"得落花流水。就连哥俩专门请来的高级灭鼠专家Caesar也中了"鼠"招,身负重伤。到底这只不说话的耗子有多厉害?听听Ernie 和Lars兄弟的对话,你就会知道。


      [兄弟俩回家验收战果,结果却发现老房子外停了辆救护车,浑身是伤的灭鼠专家 Caesar正被911救护人员从屋里抬出来。]

      Lars: Oh, my God! Caesar! What happened?

      911 Staff: Please, sir. He's not well.

      Ernie: Try to think. Did you kill the mouse?

      Caesar: What's that? Horse? Fiendish (恶魔似的)! I won't eat it. Ah!


      Ernie: How'd you find him? Where was he?

      911 Staff: 911 call. No voice. We could hear screaming in the background. He was locked in a trunk in the attic. We'll call you if we get any leads〔5〕.


      Lars: What's that?


      Caesar[on Tape Recorder]: Put that down. What is that? [大叫声,之后就是沉闷的呻吟声和撞击声] That tickles(使发痒)!


      Ernie: I don't think we're dealing with anordinary mouse.



      Name: Stuart

      Film: Stuart Little(《精灵鼠小弟》)

      Release Time: December, 1999

      Genre: Adventure/Comedy/Family/Fantasy


      George Little满怀期待地等父母从孤儿院给自己领养一个弟弟来,结果等来的却是一只名叫 Stuart的小白鼠。尽管它可爱、聪明、热情、勇敢,深得George父母的欢心,但George却无法接纳这么一个弟弟,家猫Snowbell也难以容忍一只老鼠做自己的主人。但Stuart毫不气馁,努力学习,主动付出爱心而不求回报,终于赢得了George的认可。而这却使Snowbell更加难以忍受,它甚至勾结野猫,赶走了Stuart。但最终,Stuart用自己的实际行动感动了宿敌Snowbell。Stuart自己在寻找家庭和归属感的过程中,也终于理解了家庭、忠诚和友谊的真正含义,最终真正融入了人类的家庭。




      Stuart: Wow!


      George: What are you doing here?

      Stuart: Ah! Ah! I just thought I'd drop in. Did you build all these?

      George: Me and my dad.

      Stuart: Wow! This is incredible. It's like being in a reaI live Western. [Stuart模仿起了西部电影中的人物] Howdy, partner. Draw, you liIy-livered, yellow-bellied son- of-a-one-eyed-prairie-dog.

      George: I'm trying to concentrate.

      Stuart: Oh, sorry. Is ... is that a train?

      George: What does it Iook like, pickle-head?

      Stuart: CouId we pIay with it? Please, please, please! [Stuart用尾巴把自己绑好,躺在George的玩具火车轨道上玩,逗George开心] HeIp! Somebody heIp me! HeIp! Please! Somebody heIp me! Thank you very much. Thank you.

      George: You're crazy. Hey! I have an idea. [拿出了自己的电动玩具车] Hop in.

      Stuart: A roadster (跑车).

      George: Go ahead. Check it out. Stuart, what's wrong?

      Stuart: Nothing.... It's just the first time I've fit in since I got here. [看到了George的轮船模型] What's that?

      George: Oh, that. That's the Wasp.

      Stuart: Wow! She is beautiful.

      George: Yeah. But she's not finished.

      Stuart: When are you gonna finish it?

      George: Well, me and my dad were building her, but I decided to stop.

      Stuart: How come?

      George: I'm too littIe for a race like that.

      Stuart: Little? You're not Iittle. Well, not to me.

      George: Stuart, you've never seen one of these races. There's hundreds of people there. Everybody from school. I mean ... what if you lost.

      Stuart: At Ieast you'II have been somewhere. Come on, George. What do you say?〔6〕 Let's get started.

      George: You know ... I'm not sure if I want a brother.

      Stuart: Well, how about a friend?

      George: I guess I can always use a friend.



      Name: Remy

      Film: Ratatouille(《料理鼠王》)

      Release Time: June, 2007

      Genre: Animation/Comedy/Family


      《料理鼠王》(也译为《小鼠大厨》或《美食总动员》)讲述了一只名叫Remy的小老鼠成为法国顶级大厨的故事。Remy生来有着异常灵敏的嗅觉,一直梦想成为自己的偶像--法国名厨Gusteau那样的伟大厨师。尽管厨房永远不欢迎老鼠的事实摆在那里,尽管父母坚决反对,Remy却依然坚信偶像Gusteau的至理名言:"Everyone can cook",想尽一切办法体验烹调的乐趣。命运真的把它带到了Gusteau生前掌勺的五星级法国餐厅,Remy在此不仅结识了毫无厨艺天赋的学徒Linguini,帮他度过了一个又一个难关,而且最后还实现了自己的梦想,成为五星级大餐厅真正的大厨,为人类烹调出一道道精致美味的大餐。




      Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent I need to rethink my life a little bit. What's my problem? First of all, I'm a rat, which means life is hard. [Remy和伙伴爬到了一堆垃圾上] And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell. [闻了闻] Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla (香草) bean ... Oh! Small twist of lemon.


      Emile: Whoa, you can smell all that? You have a gift.

      Remy: This is Emile, my brother. He's easily impressed.


      Dad: So you can smell ingredients? So what?

      Remy: This is my dad. He's never impressed. He also happens to be the leader of our clan (族群). So, what's wrong with having highly developed senses?


      Remy: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't eat that!

      Dad: What's going on here?

      Remy: Turns out that funny smell was rat poison. Suddenly, Dad didn't think my talent was useless. I was feeling pretty good about my gift, until Dad gave me a job. [Remy当起了毒药检查员] Clean. Clean. That's right. Poison checker. Well, it made my dad proud.

      Dad: Now, don't you feel better, Remy? You've helped a noble cause.

      Remy: Noble? We're thieves, Dad. And what we're stealing is, let's face it, garbage.

      Dad: It isn't stealing if no one wants it.

      Remy: If no one wants it, why are we stealing it?


      Remy: Let's just say we have different points of view. This much I knew: If you are what you eat〔7〕, then I only want to eat the good stuff. But to my dad....

      Dad: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank. Your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage.

      Remy: Look, if we're going to be thieves, why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where nothing is poisoned?

      Dad: First of all, we are not thieves. Secondly, stay out of the kitchen and away from the humans. It's dangerous.

      Remy: I know I'm supposed to hate humans, but there's something about them. They don't just survive. They discover; they create. I mean, just look at what they do with food.


      Gusteau: [在电视上讲话] How can I describe it? Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. There is excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.

      Remy: Oh, Gusteau was right. [抓起桌上的水果和奶酪] Oh, mmm, yeah. Oh, amazing. Each flavor was totally unique. But combine one flavor with another, and something new was created. [GASPS ] So now I had a secret life....

      这些可爱的鼠明星,或狡黠、或可爱、或睿智、或勇敢。在荧屏上,尽管它们看着是鼠,但又不完全是鼠。它们不但带给我们幽默和快乐,更带给我们感动和思考。令我们不禁反思:原来"Everyone can cook"并不是一句空话,原来人人都能成为自己想成为的那个人。只要你肯去努力,去付出,你的梦想就能成真!

      上一篇:影响你一生的电影:忠犬八公——等你不久,一生而已 下一篇:影响你一生的电影:2012——当世界涅槃


