No.100 《Winter's Bone》 冬天的骨头 黑色命运下的精神净化
Winter's Bone is a 2010 American independent drama film, an adaptation of Daniel Woodrell's 2006 novel of the same name. Written and directed by Debra Granik and starring Jennifer Lawrence, the film explores the interrelated themes of close and distant family ties, the power and speed of gossip, patriarchy, self-sufficiency, and rural poverty in the Ozarks as they are changed by the pervasive underworld of illegal methamphetamine labs.
Ree Dolly (Jennifer Lawrence), age 17, looks after her mentally ill mother, her brother Sonny (age 12) and her sister Ashlee (age 6). Every day, Ree makes sure her siblings eat, while teaching them basic survival skills like hunting and cooking. The family is very poor. Ree's father, Jessup, has not been home for a long time and his whereabouts are unknown. He is out on bail following an arrest for manufacturing methamphetamine.
The sheriff tells Ree that if her father does not show up for his court date, they will lose the house because it was put up as part of his bond. Ree sets out to track down her father, who put their house up for his bail bond and then disappeared. If she fails, Ree and her family will be turned out into the Ozark woods. Challenging her outlaw kin's code of silence and risking her life, Ree hacks through the lies, evasion and threats offered up by her relatives and begins to piece together the truth.
Winter's Bone received widespread critical acclaim. Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reports that 94% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 157 reviews, for an average score of 8.3/10. The site's "consensus" reads, "Bleak, haunting, and yet still somehow hopeful, Winter's Bone is writer-director Debra Granik's best work yet—and it boasts an incredible, starmaking performance from Jennifer Lawrence."
Winter's Bone debuted in cinemas in mid-June 2010, with its opening weekend generating "a hearty"$84,797 on four screens; the movie's subsequent outing and expansion to 39 total venues yielded sales of $351,317 (for a per-theater average of $9,008). The film's distributors Roadside Attractions aimed, concurrently with New York, Los Angeles and Boston, at "heartland cities" such as Minneapolis, Overland Park, St. Louis, Springfield, Dallas and Denver, which eventually all attracted significant audiences, surpassing New York's. According to the distributor, "the filmmakers had always wanted to deliver the movie to the people who helped them make it." As of March 2011, the film had grossed over$6.5 million in domestic ticket sales and $7.3 million internationally.
The film won several awards including the Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic Film at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. It also received four 2011 Academy Award nominations: Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Actress and Best Supporting Actor.
美国密苏里州西北部奥萨克地区17岁的少女芮(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 饰)独自照看生病的母亲、12岁的弟弟和6岁的妹妹。芮的父亲是一个毒贩,现在是警察追捕的目标。法庭已经通知他出庭,如果他不出现,作为抵押,他们家居住的老屋就要被法院收走。为了有一个完整的家,年幼的芮决定寻找父亲的下落,哪怕这意味着她必须接触她那些靠制毒贩毒为生的危险的远房亲戚。
芮最先求助于叔叔“泪滴”(约翰·哈克斯 饰),却被赶了出来;她又去找远亲茉莱(德尔·迪克 饰),还是被无情驱逐。这一路上,芮要一个人独自面对谎言、别人逃遁的借口以及她的亲戚为她“准备”的恐惧和闭门羹。她能找到自己的父亲么?她能得知人情冷暖、世态炎凉的世界真相么?
本片是根据丹尼尔·伍德瑞尔创作于2006年的同名小说改编而来。丹尼尔·伍德瑞尔的小说《Woe to Live On》曾经被李安改编成电影《与魔鬼同骑》。
He is out on bail following an arrest for manufacturing methamphetamine
文中的be out on bail是英语中一个固定短语,是“在保释中,经保释在外候讯,保释(在外)”的意思,比如:He'll be out on bail just as soon as he's arraigned.(讯问一完我就保释他。)
Degins to piece together the truth
Piece together是英语中一个固定搭配,如果你piece together the truth about something, you gradually discover it. 也就是“渐渐弄清(真相)”的意思,也是该搭配在文中的意思。比如:They've pieced together his movements for the last few days before his death.(他们已经渐渐查明了他死前最后几天里的行踪。)
independent[ˌindiˈpendənt] adj. 独立的;单独的;无党派的;不受约束的
interrelated[ˌintəriˈleitid] adj. 相关的;互相联系的
gossip[ˈɡɔsip] n. 小道传闻;随笔;爱说长道短的人
underworld[ˈʌndəwə:ld] n. 黑社会;地狱;下层社会;尘世
manufacturing[ˌmænjuˈfæktʃəriŋ] adj. 制造的;制造业的
outlaw[ˈautlɔ:] vt. 宣布…为不合法;将…放逐;剥夺…的法律保护
evasion[iˈveiʒən] n. 逃避;回避;借口
debut[ˈdeibju:] vi. 初次登台
venue[ˈvenju:] n. 审判地;犯罪地点;发生地点;集合地点
domestic[dəuˈmestik] adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的