1. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
local地方的→① localism n.
→② localize v.
→③ localization n.
2. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① locate v.定位→mislocate v.
② location n.定位→radiolocation n.
③ automobile n.汽车→locomobile n.
3. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① locative a.位于中间;居中
② interlocate b.改变位置;易位
③ locus c. [语法]位置格的
④ translocation d.脱臼;混乱
⑤ dislocation e.地点;所在地
4. [节外生枝] loc有个来自法语的异体low,主要的同根词有:
① allow n.允许;准许;许可
② allowable a.允许的;准许的;许可的
③ allowance n.允给额,分配额;津贴;补贴
52. log, logue [GK]=speech, reason说话,推理
logic [log=reason推理;-ic n.=the science or art of……学→] n. the science and art of reasoning correctly逻辑学(正确推理的科学):He argued with learning and logic.他的辩论既有学问又合逻辑。
▽logical [logic;-al a.] a.逻辑的;符合逻辑的
logician [logic;-ian n.] n.逻辑学家
dialogue [dia-=between 在……之间;logue=speech 谈话→“speech between two persons两人之间的谈话”→] n. conversation between two or more persons对话:a dialogue between two countries两国之间的对话
▽dialogic [dialog (ue);-ic a.] a.对话的
dialogist [dialog (ue);-ist n.] n.对话者
apologize [apo-=away, off离开;log=speech话;-ize v.=to make做→“to make a speech off (after an offence)(在犯了过失后)说些借以解脱的话”→] v. express regret for a fault道歉:to apologize for being late因迟到道歉
▽apology [apo-;log;-y n.] n.道歉;谢罪
apologetic [apo-;log;-etic a.] a.道歉的;辩护的
apologia [apo-;log;-ia n.] n.辩解;自辩书
eulogy [eu-=good好;log=speech话;-y n.=the act表行为→“the act of making a good speech 说好听的话”→] n. praise 颂扬,赞颂:to pronounce a eulogy on somebody向某人致颂词
▽eulogize [eulog (y);-ize v.] v.颂扬;赞颂
eulogistic [eulog (y);-istic a.] a.颂扬的;歌功颂德的
prologue [pro-=before前;logue=speech言→] n. speech or words before a play or poem戏剧的开场白;序诗:the prologue to a long poem一首长诗的序诗
epilogue [epi-=after在……之后;logue=speech言→“speech after a play在全剧结束后说的话”→] n. speech at the end of a play;concluding part of a book戏剧的收场白;书的结尾部分:the epilogue of a novel一本小说的尾声
philology [phil=to love爱;-o-;log=speech言;-y n.=the art艺术→“the art for people who love good speech为讲究语言艺术的人提供技巧”→] n. (old-fashioned) the science and art of language(旧称)语言学
▽philologic [philolog (y);-ic a.] a.(旧称)语言学的
顺便指出,log与-y结合,就成为术语后缀-logy,表示:(1)语言特色,如tautology;(2)研究对象,如sociology, zoology;(3)论述过程,如trilogy等。
tautology [tauto=the same同样;-logy n.=the character of speech语言特点→“speech characterized by repeating the same idea重复同样意思的语言特点”→] n. fault style of using words that say the same thing同义反复的语病;赘述:a speech full of tautologies充满无谓的重复的演说
▽tautological [tautolog (y);-ical a.] a.重复的;赘述的
sociology [socio=social社会的;-logy n.=the study of……学→] n. the study of social structure and fuctioning社会学:modern sociology现代社会学
▽sociological [sociolog(y);-ical a.] a.社会学的
trilogy [tri=three三;-logy n.=speech说话,叙述→“discourse in three sections分成三个部分的叙述”→] n. group of three related literary or operatic works(小说或戏剧的)三部曲:a trilogy by Theodore Dreiser德莱塞写的三部曲