In recent decades, the field of permaculture has gained significant attention. Permaculture is a design system that integrates agriculture, forestry, and landscape design with a focus on sustainability. It aims to create self-sufficient and environmentally friendly communities by using ecological principles.
Permaculture principles emphasize observing and working with nature rather than against it. It promotes the use of renewable resources, biodiversity, and natural cycles. By using techniques such as composting, water harvesting, and soil conservation, permaculture practitioners strive to reduce waste and promote a healthy environment.
One of the key components of permaculture is the concept of zones. Zones refer to the different areas within a permaculture system, each serving a specific purpose and function. For example, the home zone is the most accessible area and often includes gardens and fruit trees, while the wild zone is left undisturbed to maintain biodiversity.
Another important aspect of permaculture is the use of perennials. Perennial plants are those that live for more than two years and do not need to be replanted annually. They provide stability and continuity in the landscape and help maintain soil fertility.
However, the implementation of permaculture faces some challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of awareness and understanding among the general public. Many people are unaware of the benefits of permaculture and how it can contribute to a sustainable future.
1.What is the main focus of permaculture?
A. Agriculture.
B. Forestry.
C. Landscape design.
D. Sustainability.
2.What is NOT a permaculture practice?
A. Composting.
B. Monoculture.
C. Water harvesting.
D. Soil conservation.
3.What is the purpose of the wild zone in permaculture?
A. To provide food.
B. To maintain biodiversity.
C. To grow perennials.
D. To create an accessible area.
4.What are perennial plants?
A. Plants that require annual replanting.
B. Plants that live for a long time.
C. Plants that are resistant to pests.
D. Plants that are easily harvested.
5.What is one of the biggest challenges in implementing permaculture?
A. Lack of funding.
B. Lack of awareness and understanding.
C. Lack of land.
D. Lack of technology.
【解析】文章第二段提到生态农业提倡使用堆肥(composting)、雨水收集(water harvesting)和土壤保护(soil conservation)等技术。而单一种植(Monoculture)是过度依赖一种作物或植物的种植方式,与生态农业强调的多样性和生态平衡相悖,因此不是生态农业的实践。
【解析】文章第三段提到,野生区(wild zone)是保持原状以维持生物多样性(maintain biodiversity)的区域。
【解析】文章第四段定义了多年生植物(perennial plants)为寿命超过两年的植物,它们不需要每年重新种植。因此,多年生植物是长时间存活的植物。
【解析】文章最后一段提到,生态农业实施面临的最大挑战之一是公众缺乏认识和了解(lack of awareness and understanding)。
In recent decades, the field of permaculture has gained significant attention. Permaculture is a design system that integrates agriculture, forestry, and landscape design with a focus on sustainability. It aims to create self-sufficient and environmentally friendly communities by using ecological principles.
Permaculture principles emphasize observing and working with nature rather than against it. It promotes the use of renewable resources, biodiversity, and natural cycles. By using techniques such as composting, water harvesting, and soil conservation, permaculture practitioners strive to reduce waste and promote a healthy environment.
One of the key components of permaculture is the concept of zones. Zones refer to the different areas within a permaculture system, each serving a specific purpose and function. For example, the home zone is the most accessible area and often includes gardens and fruit trees, while the wild zone is left undisturbed to maintain biodiversity.
Another important aspect of permaculture is the use of perennials. Perennial plants are those that live for more than two years and do not need to be replanted annually. They provide stability and continuity in the landscape and help maintain soil fertility.
However, the implementation of permaculture faces some challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of awareness and understanding among the general public. Many people are unaware of the benefits of permaculture and how it can contribute to a sustainable future.
1.What is the main focus of permaculture?
A. Agriculture.
B. Forestry.
C. Landscape design.
D. Sustainability.
2.What is NOT a permaculture practice?
A. Composting.
B. Monoculture.
C. Water harvesting.
D. Soil conservation.
3.What is the purpose of the wild zone in permaculture?
A. To provide food.
B. To maintain biodiversity.
C. To grow perennials.
D. To create an accessible area.
4.What are perennial plants?
A. Plants that require annual replanting.
B. Plants that live for a long time.
C. Plants that are resistant to pests.
D. Plants that are easily harvested.
5.What is one of the biggest challenges in implementing permaculture?
A. Lack of funding.
B. Lack of awareness and understanding.
C. Lack of land.
D. Lack of technology.
【解析】文章第二段提到生态农业提倡使用堆肥(composting)、雨水收集(water harvesting)和土壤保护(soil conservation)等技术。而单一种植(Monoculture)是过度依赖一种作物或植物的种植方式,与生态农业强调的多样性和生态平衡相悖,因此不是生态农业的实践。
【解析】文章第三段提到,野生区(wild zone)是保持原状以维持生物多样性(maintain biodiversity)的区域。
【解析】文章第四段定义了多年生植物(perennial plants)为寿命超过两年的植物,它们不需要每年重新种植。因此,多年生植物是长时间存活的植物。
【解析】文章最后一段提到,生态农业实施面临的最大挑战之一是公众缺乏认识和了解(lack of awareness and understanding)。