2007-47 On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner /which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis /as they cover and comment on the news.虚词:which,as动词句1:it links these concepts to everyday realities它将这些概念和日常现象联系起来动词句2:which is parallel to the links 它和一些联系相似动词句3:journalists forge on a daily basis /记者基于日常基础上形成动词句4:they cover and comment on the news.他们对新闻进行报道和评论。
四个动词句找出来以后,一半的分数已经拿到手里了,这时候再补充一些不太重要的修饰成分,比如in a manner,和连词连接,比如which的指代和as的连接,最后代词it一定要把他指代的名词找出来,因为这属于得分点。
(二)翻译复习原则考试原则:history repeats.有些考点在翻译中反复考察,可见其必然为考试的重点内容,比如intellectual这个单词,曾经在翻译中考察过三次之多;比如while做连词的用法,每次考试的考(试^*大意思都为“尽管,然而”;work做动词的用法,不是“工作”,而是“有效,起作用”。
以rather than为例,在各年考题中重复的概率极高因为在复习备考过程中要注意汇总各年考题中反复出现的情况。
2001-72 Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools……
1994-74 The planets revolve around the sun rather than around the earth. 1997-75 An instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at…
2007-46 Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institution as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.希望同学们最后阶段抓住我们的“拆分与组合”方法,牢记“真题观”,在翻译的备考中找到光亮和希望,只要努力,只要踏实,都会成功!