药膳(medicated diet)在中国有着悠久的历史悠久的历史, 种类十分丰富,每一种都有特殊的功用,严格的制作方法和独特的风味。配料一般因人而异。根据每个人生理条件的不同,应使用不同的药材,以达到保健和治病的功效。中药(Chinese medicine)与食物彼此调和可以改善药物的口味,提高食物的功效。药膳用材范围广,可以自制,因此易于普及,深受人们喜爱。
Medicated diet enjoys a long history in China and has large variety. Each of them has special function, strict producing method and unique flavor. The ingredients generally vary from person to person. Different medicines should be applied based on different physiological conditions of each person so as to achieve the function of physical fitness and disease healing. The coordination of Chinese medicine with food can improve the medicine in taste and the food in effect.Medicated diet's materials range is wide and it can be home-made, so it is easy to popularize, and much favored by people.
1.药膳在中国有着悠久的历史悠久的历史:可译为a long history。“有着”可译为enjoy,这比译为have更加让文章增色。
2.配料一般因人而异:“因人而异”可译为vary from person to person。
3.根据每个人生理条件的不同,应使用不同的药材,以达到保健和治病的功效:其中“根据”可译为based on;“保健”可译为physical fitness,fitness意为 “健康,健身”,常用的短语有fitness equipment (健身器材)。
4.药膳用材范围广,可以自制,因此易于普及,深受人们喜爱:“普及”可译为 popularize;“用材范围”可译为materials range,range意为“范围”,还可表示 “山脉;排”,如mountain range (山脉,山岭)。