要使民主得以存在,善于思索的人与敏于行动的人都必须去除傲慢与偏见;他们 要有勇气、有全心全意的献身精神,最重要的是要有谦虚精神,去寻求与传播那 使人民永保自由的真理。 朝着上述目标,我们会寻找到个人的平静,那不是歇息而是经过努力奋斗后的平 静;我们会对自己的有所作为感到由衷的满意;为取得力所不能及的成就而感到 深深喜悦;懂得了我们所创造的远比我们所知道的要更为辉煌灿烂。
If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thought, as well as men at action, to put aside pride and prejudice, and with courage and single-minded devotion—and above all with humility—to find the truth and teach the truth that shall keep men free.We may find in that sense of purpose,the personal peace,not f repose,but of effort,the keen satisfaction of doing,the deep feeling of achievement for something far beyond ourselves,the knowledge that we build more gloriously than we know.