当前,随着构建社会主义新农村步伐的推进,“大学生村官"(college-graduate village officials) 已成为热门话题。不少髙校毕业的大学生走进农村,他们在新农村的建设中做出了重大贡献。大学生到农村任职,对新农村建设起着积极的推动作用,对大学生自己来说更是一种锤炼。这将对当代大学生人生目标的追求和行为价值产生积极作用,同时也会使已“走马上任”的大学生村官们对自己所肩负的社会责任和使命更加认同。
Nowadays,with the furthering of a new socialist countryside construction,college-graduate village officials have become a hot topic.Many college graduates go to rural areas and have made great contributions to the construction of a new socialist countryside.Working in villages can promote construction of new rural communities and it is also a kind of training for college graduates.It will exert a positive effect on college graduates'goal for life and behavior value.At the same time,it will also enable the college-graduate village officials in office better identify the social responsibility and mission on their shoulders.
1.随着构建…:可译为with the construction of…
2.做出了重大贡献:可译为have made great contributions。
3.大学生到农村任职:可简单译为working in villages。
4.对新农村建设起着积极的推动作用:可译为promote construction of new rural communities,即“促进新农村建设。”
5.已“走马上任”的大学生村官们:可译为the college-graduate village officials in office。其中in office意为“在职的,在位的”。
6.肩负的社会责任和使命:可译为the social responsibility and mission on their shoulders。