在中国悠久的历史长河中,出现了一些极其重要的发明,指南针 (compass)是其中最重要的发明之一。根据古书记载,远古的人们在生产和斗争中利用天然磁体来指示方向。在战国时期 (the Warring States Period)出现了最早的指南针——司南 [sinan (a south-pointing ladle)]。司南由刻有24个方位的“地盘 (brass plate)”和一个由整块天然磁石制成的“勺子 (ladle)”两部分组成。到宋朝,沈括在《梦溪笔谈》 (Dream Pool Essays )中对水浮式 (floating)指南针作了介绍。这使得指南针能够首次应用于航海。指南针的发明促进了航海业的发展,不久经阿拉伯传入欧洲。
1. 出现:如果按照字面意思翻译的话,会显得较为平淡,这里用了witness,整个句式表达较为地道、生动,另外还可以用see来表示。
2. 利用:可以译为use,但如果译为employ或take advantage of则更佳。
4. 到宋朝,沈括……首次应用于航海:汉语分为了两句,但实际上这两句关系很紧密,前后存在因果关系,故可翻译为一个句子,使用非限制性定语从句。
5. 促进:这个短语很常用,译为promote、boost、facilitate等均可。
China's long history has witnessed some extremely important inventions, among which the compass is one of them. According to ancient records, people in remote antiquity employed natural magnet as direction-finding device in their production and struggle efforts. During the Warring States Period, there appeared the earliest form of compass—sinan(a south-pointing ladle), consisting of a brass plate on which 24 directions were carved and a ladle made from a single piece of natural magnet. In the Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo described in his book Dream Pool Essays the floating compass, which enabled the compass to be applied in navigation for the first time. The invention of the compass promoted the development of maritime undertakings, and it was soon introduced to Europe via Arab.
指南针是一种指示和判别方位的仪器,也可称为指北针、罗盘针。在中国古代历史上,指南针的发明是一个渐进的过程(gradual process),并非一蹴而成(reach the goal in one step),这期间经历了漫长的辛勤研究和不断改进。指南针的工作原理(working principle)在于它含有一根装在轴上可以自由转动的磁针,磁针在地磁场作用下能保持在磁子午线的切线方向上(tangential direction)。磁针的北极指向地理的北极,利用这一性能可以辨别方向(identify the direction)。指南针被广泛运用于航海、大地测量、旅行及军事等方面。随着科学技术的发展,人们还发明了电子指南针,应用于导航仪、手机、腕表等车载或移动设备(mobile devices)。