中医 (traditional Chinese medicine)有着几千年的历史,起源可追溯至远古时代。2000多年前出现的《黄帝内经》 (Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon )是中国现存的最早医著。该书对人和自然的关系、人体的生理 (physiology)及病理 (pathology)、疾病的诊治和预防等方面进行了系统全面的说明。它运用阴阳和五行 (Five Elements)理论全面阐述了因时、因地、因人而异辩证论治的原则,并且表达了整体 (holistic)观念的思想,即把人体看作一个有机的整体,把人与其周围的环境看作一个整体。这为中医理论的形成奠定了初步的基础。
1.“该书对……等方面”:当中文的宾语较长的时候,在翻译成英文时可以先给出一个形式宾语或替代宾语,此处使用短语the following aspects,意为“如下几个方面”,然后再详细说明这些方面。
2. 说明:与中文“说明”意思对等的单词有很多,可以用introduction、explanation、description或exposition。英语注重词的变化,尽量避免重复。
3. 因时:用在这里的“时”表面上指的是时间,但实际上指的是季节和气候条件,所以此处不能翻译成time,而要译成climatic and seasonal conditions。
4. 因人:中文的一个字(或词)往往蕴含很多含义,此处的“因人”,其含义是“根据每个人的体质”,所以此处翻译成“(according to) individual constitution”。
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a history of several thousand years. Its origin can be traced back to ancient times. The book Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon , which came out more than 2,000 years ago, is the earliest existent medical works in China. The book gives a complete and systematic description of the following aspects: the relationship between man and nature, the physiology and pathology of the human body, and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. It uses theories of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements to comprehensively elaborate the principles of treatment by differentiation of syndromes according to the climatic and seasonal conditions, geographical localities and individual constitution. In addition, it puts forward the holistic concept of taking the human body as an organic whole and taking the man and the surrounding environment as a whole. This has laid a preliminary foundation for the formation of TCM theory.
中医西医各有所长,中医的辩证、整体思维是医学宝库中最灿烂的东西。中医治病采用的是平衡疗法(balance therapy),想方设法让肌体功能处于各自的协调平衡状态,消除疾病,保持健康。强调的是要达到内部肌体功能的自身协调平衡,增强免疫力(immunity),削弱和排除致病的不利因素,激活有利的内因(internal reason/cause)。相比之下,西医治病采用的是对抗疗法(allopathic medicine),直接消除不利因素,排除病因,保持健康。强调的是排除不利的致病外因(external reason/cause),消除不利的外因。中医增强内力,西医排除外力,两者有异曲同工之妙——保持健康。