中国是瓷器的故乡,瓷器的发明是中华民族对世界文明做出的一项伟大贡献。在英文中“瓷器 (china)”一词已成为“中国”的代名词 (synonym)。这充分说明中国瓷器的精美绝伦完全可以代表中国。大约在公元前16世纪,中国就出现了早期的瓷器。原始瓷作为陶器向瓷器过渡时期的产物,与各种陶器相比,具有耐用、外观华美、便于清洗等特点,这为后来瓷器逐渐取代陶器,成为中国人日常生活的主要用器奠定了基础。
1. 中国是瓷器的故乡:翻译为China is the home of porcelain。“……的故乡”译为the home of...
2. 瓷器的精美绝伦:翻译为the magnificence of china。“精美绝伦”用名词magnificence表达比较贴切。
3. 具有耐用、外观华美、便于清洗等特点:翻译为possesses the characteristics of being durable, gorgeous and easy to clean。其中“具有……特点”用动词短语possess the characteristics of表达,“耐用”译为being durable。
4. 为……奠定了基础:用固定搭配lay a foundation for表达。
Chinese Porcelain
China is the home of porcelain, the invention of which is a great contribution made by the Chinese nation to the world civilization. In English, the word“china”has become the synonym of“China”, which fully shows that the magnificence of china can assuredly represent China. At about the 16th century B.C., early porcelain appeared in China. As the product of transmission from pottery to porcelain, primitive porcelain possesses the characteristics of being durable, gorgeous and easy to clean when compared with various potteries, which lay a foundation for its replacement of pottery and becoming the main appliance in Chinese people's daily life.
景德镇(the Town of Jingde)位于江西省东北部,黄山、怀玉山余脉与鄱阳湖平原的过渡地带。景德镇历史悠久、文化灿烂,雄踞长江之南,历史上与广东佛山、湖北汉口、河南朱仙镇并称全国四大名镇。景德镇生产瓷器的历史源远流长,唐代烧制出洁白如玉的白瓷,便有“假玉器”之称。在宋代御赐殊荣,即皇帝宋真宗将年号景德赐给景德镇,于是景瓷驰名天下。之后,历经元、明、清三代,成为“天下窑器所聚”的全国制瓷中心。景德镇瓷器造型优美、品种繁多、装饰丰富、风格独特。2000多年的制瓷文化和技艺的深厚积淀,为景德镇奠定了举世公认的“瓷都”地位,景德镇陶瓷艺术也因此成为中国文化宝库中的重要财富。