在中国各种不同的传统民居中,四合院 (quadrangle)是最典型和最具代表性的一种建筑。其不论规模大小,都由四面房屋及其围合的庭院组成。坐北朝南的房屋称为正房 (main house),东西两边的称为厢房 (side house),南房称为倒座房 (reversely-set house)。贵族或富有人家往往还有走廊把正房和厢房连接起来。四合院里的生活从容、宁静,却又其乐融融。四合院一定程度上体现着社会的等级 (hierachical)秩序和家庭的尊卑观念。四合院历史悠久,蕴含着深刻的文化内涵 (connotation),是中国传统文化的载体。
1. 其不论规模大小:这里的“其”指的就是四合院,翻译时应明确。“不论规模大小”可译为large or small,前后用逗号隔开,这样比译成no matter they are large or small更显简洁明了。
2. 却又其乐融融:“其乐融融”可翻译为joyous and harmonious,在本文语境中,可通过词性转换使用其名词形式,译成but not without joy and harmony。
3. 历史悠久……蕴含着……是……:这里看似包含了三个谓语,但通过仔细分析可知,后面两个结构在意思上有相同之处,所以可以将其中一个译为谓语动词,而另一个则灵活一些,比如译为with结构,使表达更为生动。
The quadrangle is the most typical and representative building among various traditional Chinese residences. Quadrangles, large or small, consist of courtyards surrounded by houses along their four sides. The house on the north facing the south is called the main house or principal house, the house lies on the east or west sides is called the side house or wing house and the one stands on the south is called the reversely-set house. The main house and the side houses of the nobles or the rich are often connected together by corridors. Life in a quadrangle is calm and quiet, but not without joy and harmony. The quadrangle reflects to some extent the hierarchical order of the society and the concept of superiority and inferiority in the family. The time-honored quadrangle is a carrier of Chinese traditional culture with profound cultural connotations.
四合院,是合院建筑的一种。四合院的典型特征是外观规矩,中线对称(symmetric),用法灵活。其实,小如平民百姓的住宅,大如中国古代皇宫、王府(prince's mansion),均可以称为四合院。在四合院中,冬天太阳可照进正房的室内,因此正房常是长辈住所,庭院则是户外活动的场所。站在四合院中环顾,中间舒展,廊槛曲折,有露有藏。四合院的精髓(essence)在于一个“合”字,它将家庭中的每个成员都“合”在一起。要是在这些古老的庭院中,体会欧阳修那句经典的“庭院深深深几许”,则更能深刻感受到中国诗歌的意境。到了现代,随着中国家庭结构和社会观念的变化,传统四合院的宜居性(habitability)受到了挑战。在城市规划过程中,传统四合院也面临着保护和发展的选择问题。如今,一些四合院已经被开发为观光景点,吸引着来自全国各地的游客。