中国人的姓名以汉字表示,汉族人用汉字进行取名,其他民族的姓名则音译 (transliterate)为汉字表示,也有些为自己另取汉名。在中国古代,姓是家族的称谓,名是个人的符号,姓名是人们在社会交往中彼此相互区别的符号。到了现代,随着身份证 (identification card)的引入,彼此相互区别的任务更多是由身份证号码来完成的。婴儿出生时,孩子的父母在给孩子起正式名字的同时,还会给孩子起一个非正式的名字,即小名。小名朗朗上口,好记好叫,自秦汉沿用至今。
1. 姓是家族的称谓:翻译成a person's surname symbolized the title of his family,原文的意思是说姓是家族名份的象征。
2. 名是个人的符号:翻译成a person's given name was regarded as his personal mark,此处的“符号”翻译成mark,如同一种记号,代表一个人。
3. 相互区别的符号:此句中的“符号”翻译成symbols,因为每个名字都有象征意义。
4. 朗朗上口:翻译时抓住中文的内在含义,即容易读,故翻译成easy to pronounce。
The Names of Chinese People
The names of Chinese people are written using Chinese characters. The Han ethnic group name themselves with Chinese characters while other ethnic groups transliterate their names into Chinese characters, or give themselves Chinese names irrelevant to their native names. In ancient China, where a person's surname symbolized the title of his family and his given name was regarded as his personal mark, names were symbols that distinguished one person from another in social interaction. In modern times, with the introduction of identification card, the number of identification card is used more often to tell one from another. When a baby is born, the parents will give the baby a formal name as well as an informal name, that is, a childhood name. Being easy to pronounce and remember, childhood name has been used to this day since the Qin and Han Dynasties.
中国人自古以来对人的取名非常重视。在孔子“正名”思想的影响下,人们把为后代(descendants)取名看得非常神圣,甚至神秘。从周朝起,命名已经纳入礼法(rules of etiquette),形成了制度。因此有些时候名字会对人产生很大的影响。有些人因为名字受到了皇帝或高官的喜欢,得到了与其他人不一样的优厚待遇;而一些人则由于名字被认为不吉利,遭到了不公平的待遇。中国古代由于宗法制(patriarchal clan system)的影响,在名字的使用上有避讳(avoid a taboo)的制度。讲究“为亲者讳,为贤者讳,为尊者讳”。在言谈和书写时,遇到君父长上的名字一律要回避。取名时也不能取他们的名字中有的或同音的字。现在虽然已经不讲究这些了,但是仍然有一些人在取名时尽量不用父辈或祖辈名字中出现的字或同音的字。由于避讳的影响,现在大多数中国人认为直呼长辈的名字是不礼貌的。