饺子,是一种以面为皮的充馅食物,是中国北方比较传统的食物。饺子的历史可以追溯到古代,但是除夕夜吃饺子的习俗始于明朝。饺子取“更岁交子”之意,交与“饺”谐音 (homophonic),“子”为“子时”,有“喜庆团圆”和“吉祥如意”的意思。中国地域辽阔,各个地方包饺子,甚至是烹饪饺子的方式都有很大差异。饺子馅没有固定的标准,蔬菜、肉,甚至海鲜都可以用来做馅,因个人口味以及地域差异而不同。饺子的烹饪方法通常有煮和蒸两种。在中国北方,人们通常蘸着醋吃饺子。
1. 以面为皮的充馅食物:翻译为consists of fillings wrapped into a piece of dough,其中“馅”译为fillings,“以面为皮”译为wrapped into a piece of dough。
2. 追溯到古代:翻译为be traced back to ancient times,其中“追溯到”用固定短语be traced back to表达。
3. 喜庆团圆……吉祥如意:汉译英时有时候找不到对等成分,或者汉语中有时候前后两个词重复表达一个意思,这个时候只要将句子的含义翻译出来就好。此处将“喜庆团圆”翻译成happy reunion,将“吉祥如意”翻译成good luck。
4. 地域辽阔:翻译为a country with a vast territory,其中territory意为“领土,地域”,“辽阔”用形容词vast表达即可。
5. 因个人口味以及地域差异而不同:翻译为vary according to personal tastes and regions,其中“个人口味”译为personal tastes。
Jiaozi, which consists of fillings wrapped into a piece of dough, is a kind of traditional food in northern China. The history of jiaozi can be traced back to ancient times, but the custom of eating jiaozi on Lunar New Year's Eve started in the Ming Dynasty. Jiaozi has the meaning of“change of the year and the day”since“jiao”is homophonic to“change”and“zi”means“zishi (a period of the day from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.)”which symbolizes“happy reunion”and“good luck”. As China is a country with a vast territory, there are great differences in various regions in terms of making or even cooking jiaozi. There is no set rule as to what makes dumpling fillings. They can be vegetables, meat, even seafood. Filling mixtures vary according to personal tastes and regions. Jiaozi is usually boiled or steamed. In northern China, dumplings are commonly eaten with a dipping sauce made of vinegar.
相传东汉末年,“医圣”张仲景曾任长沙太守(governor),后辞官回乡。正好赶上冬至(the Winter Solstice)这一天,他看见南洋的老百姓饥寒交迫(starving and freezing),两只耳朵冻伤,当时伤寒(typhoid fever)流行,病死的人很多。张仲景总结了汉代300多年的临床实践(clinical practice),便在当地搭了一个医棚,支起一面大锅,煎熬羊肉、辣椒和祛寒提热的药材,用面皮包成耳朵形状,煮熟之后连汤带食赠送给穷人。老百姓从冬至吃到除夕,抵御了伤寒,治好了冻耳。从此乡里人与后人就模仿制作,称之为“饺耳”或“饺子”,也有一些地方称“扁食”或“烫面饺”。1400多年的历史让饺子在老百姓心目中扎下了根,以后渐渐形成了习俗,逢年过节都要吃顿饺子。