中国的火锅有着一千多年的历史。全国很多地方都很流行吃火锅。随着烹饪技艺的发展,火锅的品种异彩纷呈,重庆火锅是其中比较有名的一种。人们通常是在锅开始沸腾 (simmer)的时候往里面加入各种食材 (ingredient)。典型的火锅菜品 (dish)包括切得很薄的肉片、蘑菇、海产品及各类蔬菜等。可供用餐者挑选的食材很多。很多人都爱吃辣汤的火锅,但是也有一些人比较喜欢清汤的。煮熟的食物通常会蘸酱吃。在很多地区,人们更喜欢在冬天吃火锅。
1. 有着……的历史:翻译为have/has a history of...
2. 火锅的品种异彩纷呈:翻译为there are many splendid varieties of hotpot。“异彩纷呈”在英语中没有直接完全对应的表达,故而此处采用many splendid来表达其所包含的意思。
3. 加入……:翻译为place...into。
4. 可供用餐者挑选的食材很多:翻译为Diners can choose from a large selection of ingredients。selection意为“可供选择的事物”。
5. 蘸酱:翻译为dipping sauce。
The Chinese hotpot has a history of over 1,000 years. It is popular in many places of the whole nation. With the development of cooking skills, there are many splendid varieties of hotpot, among which Chongqing hotpot is a famous one. People usually place ingredients into the pot when it starts to simmer. Typical hotpot dishes include thinly sliced meat, mushrooms, seafood and various kinds of vegetables. Diners can choose from a large selection of ingredients. A lot of people would like spicy hotpot while some people prefer non-spicy ones. The boiled food is usually eaten with a dipping sauce. In many areas, people prefer to have hotpot meals in winter.
中国的火锅,历史悠久,源远流长。如今,随着科技的进步,烹饪技艺的发展,火锅的品种也日新月异而又各具特色。品种繁多的火锅,总是能为餐桌平添几分热闹的气氛。吃火锅时,不论男女老少还是亲朋好友,大家都围着热气腾腾的火锅,把臂共话,洋溢着热烈融洽的气氛,适合大团圆(happy reunion)这一中国传统文化。火锅是一道民间美食,但是钟情于火锅的除了普通的老百姓之外,也不乏古代帝王和现代的一些文化名流。清代乾隆皇帝爱吃火锅,他曾多次游江南,每到一地,都备有火锅。相传,他于嘉庆元年正月在宫中大摆“千叟宴”,全席共上火锅1550余个,应邀品尝者达5000余人,成为历史上最大的一次火锅盛宴。