为解决城市交通拥堵问题并减少污染,中国部分城市出台了限购汽车的政策。2010年12月23日,北京成为国内首个发布汽车限购令 (vehicle purchase restrictions)的城市。2011至2013年,每年的小客车指标为24万个。指标额度中个人占88%,即平均每月17600个牌照 (license plate),营运小客车占2%,剩余的10%归公司、政府机构及其他单位。通过摇号 (lottery system)分配车辆指标。有专家预测,限购或将在全国成大势所趋,而限购一旦实施就不会轻易取消,中国车市快速增长的历史从此终结。
1. 交通拥堵:翻译为traffic congestion,其中congestion意为“拥堵”,如果不知道这个词,将“交通拥堵”翻译成heavy traffic或者traffic jams也可以。
2. 出台……政策:可译为introduce the policy或unveil the policy,如果不知道这两个词的用法,翻译成announce the policy也可以。注意,由于是多个城市出台政策,所以“政策”要用复数形式policies。
3. 通过摇号分配车辆指标:这句话没有主语,适合翻译成被动语态。“分配”译为allocate。
4. 在全国成大势所趋:译为become a trend around the country。中文中有很多四字成语或四字格,这些词看起来很不好翻译,但实际上只要翻出它们的意思就可以了。比如“大势所趋”简单翻译成become a trend即可。
5. 一旦实施:翻译为once be carried out,还可以翻译为once be implemented。
Curbing the Purchase of Vehicles
In order to solve the problem of traffic congestion and reduce pollution, some cities in China have introduced policies curbing the purchase of vehicles. Beijing was the first city of the country to announce vehicle purchase restrictions on December 23, 2010. From 2011 to 2013, the quota for vehicles is 240,000 in Beijing each year. Private car buyers will receive 88 percent of the quota, namely 17,600 license plates per month on average. Two percent will be for commercial use and the remaining 10 percent will go to companies, government institutions and others. The registration numbers are allocated by a license plate lottery system. Some experts predict that the vehicle purchase restrictions may become a trend around the country and once the restrictions are carried out, they will not be cancelled easily. The fast development of Chinese vehicle market will thus come to an end.
继上海、北京、贵阳、广州实施汽车限购政策之后,陆续有新的城市加入到限购的行列。限购后,消费者只能选择摇号或者置换的方式购买新车,原本有钱就能买车的时代不复存在。昔日打得火热的价格战(price war)也不会重演,因为经销商知道“薄利多销”(small profits but quick turnover)的法则已经不再适用。此外,消费者“一步到位”的心理更加普遍,中高级车备受欢迎,豪华车更成为炙手可热的香饽饽,加价、排队依然不能阻止消费者的购车热情。有数据显示,北京、上海、广州三个城市限购政策实施后,中国品牌乘用车(不含微型车)市场占有率降幅近半,仅能维持在10%左右,远低于全国32%的水平。