“闪婚 (flash marriage)”,即闪电式的结婚,指的是两人在短暂的相识后,未经过一定时间的交往和相互了解就确立婚姻关系的一种快速的婚姻形式。对于这些“闪婚族”而言,他们可以用最快的速度来完成从相识、约会、相爱到结婚的漫长过程。媒体将这些人描述为“他们几秒钟可以爱上一个人,几分钟就能谈完一场恋爱,数小时内可以决定终身大事,一周便能踏上红地毯 (red carpet)。”这种快餐婚姻已在我国不少城市悄然登场,影响着越来越多年轻人的婚恋观。
1. 闪电式的结婚:意思就是“结婚的速度像闪电一样快”,因此可以翻译为getting married quickly like lightning。
2. 短暂的相识后:“相识”是主要的考查点,用acquaintance一词最为恰当,因此可翻译为after a short acquaintance。
3. 确立婚姻关系的一种快速的婚姻形式:虽然这一部分文字较多,但是其意思却很简单,就是“一种快速结婚的方式”。由于本句较长,为了简化句子结构,此处可以简单地翻译成a speedy marriage。
4. 谈完一场恋爱:该短语较难直译,因此可以根据其含义意译为finish their dating。
5. 婚恋观:即“对爱情和婚姻的观念”,所以翻译为notion of love and marriage。
Flash Marriage
Flash marriage, i.e., getting married quickly like lightning, refers to a speedy marriage between couples who become engaged after a short acquaintance without a certain period of dating time and mutual understanding. For the flash marriage group, they can finish the long process from getting acquainted, dating, falling in love to getting married with the fastest speed. The media describe it as“The flash marriage group can fall in love with someone within several seconds, finish their dating in a few minutes, decide their marriage in several hours and step on the red carpet just in one week.”This kind of fast-food marriage has emerged in quite a few cities in China, affecting more and more young people's notion of love and marriage.
“闪婚”的概念来自于“闪客(flasher)”、“闪存(flash memory)”之类的新名词,意思是“在非常短的时间内结婚”。青年男女闪电相识、爱情速配俨然已成为当下的一种时尚。但婚姻大事还是应该慎重考虑,仅凭一时的冲动就去民政局(Bureau of Civil Affairs)登记结婚,颇有几分冒险意味。然而,在如今这个交往频繁、快节奏的时代里,一切都在提速,婚姻观也随之变化,“闪婚”就是时代发展的产物,“闪婚”一定会带来悲剧吗?其实恋爱时间的长短与婚姻生活的幸福与否是不一定成正比的,在正确的时间遇上正确的人,无论“闪婚”与否,都将是一出人生喜剧。