The fashionable greeting cards on the market are mostly luxurious editions with splendid designs, but they cost dearly. To be frank, even aside from their cost, the popular and catchy phrases of popular songs printed on them are also not quite suitable for the elderly. The list of annoyances goes on and on. I've tried to design and print some simple yet elegant greeting cards several times, ones that could both express feelings and offer appreciation, but I still failed to make it happen. Finally, I had to bite the bullet and bid farewell to the New Year greeting cards, never sending or responding to them again. Please forgive me for this inappropriateness and I appreciate your understanding.
fashionable greeting cards:时髦贺卡
splendid designs:金碧辉煌的设计
cost dearly:代价不菲
aside from:除了...之外
catchy phrases:流行且吸引人的短语
bite the bullet:狠一狠心(这里指下定决心)
bid farewell to:告别