China is renowned for its dense population and vast territory. As a multi-ethnic country, China has a total of 56 ethnic groups with a population of approximately 1.4 billion. The Han nationality, the major ethnic group of the Chinese nation, accounts for about 92% of the country's population and is mainly distributed in the eastern and central regions. While other ethnic minorities reside relatively scattered, primarily in the southwest, northwest, and northeastern regions of China. Each ethnic minority possesses distinctive characteristics, profound traditional cultures, and unique customs and habits. The Chinese government has long advocated and fostered equal and united ethnic relations, emphasizing the common development and prosperity of all ethnic groups.
renowned for:意为“以……而著称”,用于描述某个地方或事物因其某种特性或特征而闻名。
multi-ethnic country:指“多民族国家”,即一个国家内存在多个不同的民族或族群。
ethnic group:指“民族”或“族群”,用于描述一个国家或地区内具有共同语言、文化、传统和历史背景的人群。
subject nationality:指“主体民族”,通常指一个国家或地区内人口最多、影响力最大的民族。
distinctive characteristics:指“与众不同的特点”,用于描述某个民族、文化或事物所独有的特征或属性。
advocate and foster:分别意为“提倡”和“培养”,两者在这里结合起来使用,强调中国政府对于平等、团结的民族关系的重视和推动。
common development and prosperity:指“共同发展、共同繁荣”,是中国政府对于各民族关系的核心目标,强调各民族之间应该相互支持、共同发展。