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    Ultra-fast hyperloop transportation a step closer to reality in India


    Elon Musk’s dream of transporting humans through tubes at hypersonic speeds moved one step closer to reality.

    埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)以高超音速通过管道载人的梦想离现实又近了一步。

    Officials in India have designated a proposed Mumbai-to-Pune hyperloop a “public infrastructure project,” which means they will soon begin to take bids on its construction, according to The Verge.

    据The Verge网站报道,印度官员已将孟买至浦那的高铁项目定为“公共基础设施项目”,这意味着他们将很快开始对该项目的建设进行投标。


    Virgin Hyperloop One and its partner DP World are the originators of the multibillion-dollar project, the first phase of which will link the two cities in less than 35 minutes, the technology site reports. The 124-mile journey usually takes 3.5 hours by car.

    据科技网站报道,维珍超级高铁和它的合作伙伴DP World是这个耗资数十亿美元的项目的发起者,该项目的第一阶段目标是将两座城市间124英里、通常需要3.5小时的车程,用不到35分钟的时间完成。

    Taxpayer funds will reportedly not be spent on the hyperloop effort, but DP World will spend $500 million to complete phase one of the project, with the rest of the money coming from investors.

    据报道,该项目不会用纳税人的钱,DP World承诺将花费5亿美元完成第一阶段项目,其余资金来自投资者。

    The designation is “incredibly significant to moving hyperloop forward globally,” said Ryan Kelly, head of marketing and communications at Virgin Hyperloop One, in an email to The Verge. “This is not exploration; this is a solid confirmation.”

    维珍超级高铁的营销和通讯主管瑞恩·凯利(Ryan Kelly)在给The Verge的一封电子邮件中说,这个称号“对推动超级高铁在全球的发展具有不可思议的重要意义。这不是探索,这是确定的事实。”


    Virgin Hyperloop One’s test facility in Nevada has demonstrated the ability to send a magnetically levitating pod through a tube at speeds of up to 240 miles per hour, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.


    The company’s project in India dates back to 2017, reports The Verge, which is when the firm signed agreements with the governments of Maharashtra and Karnataka to study the impact of the hyperloop in the region.

    据The Verge报道,该公司在印度的项目可以追溯到2017年,当时该公司与马哈拉施特拉邦和卡纳塔克邦政府签署了协议,研究超级高铁在该地区的影响。

      上一篇:一名男子在后院撒尿后将家人暴露在核辐射中 下一篇:80岁的老妇人生活在污秽中。没人知道,直到她被发现死了,被她的狗吃掉。


