The current global situation with COVID-19 has paved the way for a surge in both the demand and supply of apps for young ones. Many of these take the form of games or videos that keep kids distracted while there are a few try to impart lessons as well. Google is unsurprisingly jumping in on that trend and, just as unsurprisingly, it is putting its favorite AI and machine learning features to work in helping kids get better at reading and speaking even while stuck at home.
The Read Along Android app is pretty much a combination of various Google technologies and experiments over the past years. It is, to some extent, the evolution of a similar experimental app it launched in India last year known as Bolo. On the surface, the way Read Along works is pretty simple, asking a kid to read out a story or piece of text out loud. Behind the scenes, of course, it showcases Google’s prowess in machine learning fields.
Read Along Android应用程序是过去几年谷歌各种技术和实验的结合。在某种程度上,这是它去年在印度推出的一款类似实验应用程序Bolo的演变。从表面上看,阅读的方式很简单,让孩子大声朗读一个故事或一段文字。当然,在幕后,它展示了谷歌在机器学习领域的实力。
Read Along by Google specifically uses text to speech technologies to read text out loud but perhaps the more interesting part is speech recognition. Reading buddy Diya, a more personable representation of an AI assistant, is able to detect words that kids struggle with and help them overcome that hurdle in a game-like fashion.
As with anything involving kids and especially Google, there will be some concerns about privacy so Google directly addresses those questions. After the initial download of the app and stories, Read Along works completely offline with all the speech processing happening on the device itself. No data is ever sent to its servers, it promises, and it doesn’t even require any form of account to log into.
对于任何涉及到孩子,尤其是谷歌的内容,都会涉及到一些隐私问题,所以谷歌直接回答了这些问题。在首次下载应用程序和故事之后,Read Along完全脱机工作,所有的语音处理都在设备上进行。它承诺,不会向服务器发送任何数据,甚至不需要登录任何形式的账户。
Read Along by Google is designed for kids ages five and older and supports nine languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Hindi. The app is only available on Android and still in early access so it might still change significantly or even disappear later on.