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    Let us start by saying that skin conditions are irritating. They can cause us to feel self-conscious, and perhaps worst of all, they're incredibly common. Acne, sunburns, or staph infections, the list goes on. For this reason, it can be difficult to narrow down exactly what is making clear skin unattainable on any given day. Additionally, many of these conditions have overlapping symptoms.


    If you have noticed an irritated red patch of skin or a cluster of what looks like pimples, take a moment before you attack the area with salicylic acid, as it could be folliculitis. According to the University of Michigan Health, folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles. The irritating, itchy condition can resemble acne, and unfortunately, it can show up on almost any part of your body. It is most often spotted in the beard area, arms, back, buttocks, and legs, and anyone is subject to this problematic skin issue. You are at an increased risk if you wear tight clothing, frequent hot tubs, and swimming pools, or have an immunity-suppressing condition, such as HIV or diabetes.


    If you're suddenly dealing with folliculitis, you're likely looking for ways to get rid of it. WebMD states that if the case of folliculitis is mild, it will likely go away on its own without any treatment, but you should focus on good hygiene and keep the area clean. You can also consider natural remedies, such as applying warm salt water or white vinegar directly to the infected area. The Mayo Clinic shares that antibiotic creams or gels may be prescribed for more severe or persistent cases. If home remedies and prescribed medications fail to get rid of your case, laser hair removal can completely remove the infected hair follicles.


    If your folliculitis is being caused by a weakened immune system, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends focusing on your overall health to strengthen your immunity. If you're unsure if what you have is in fact folliculitis, consider making an appointment with your dermatologist or doctor. While you wait for your appointment, you can try the proven home remedies. Even if they don't cure your condition, they can help with the irritating itching and swelling that is associated with folliculitis.


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