旅行的艺术:Ⅳ 好奇心-9
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    Humboldt's excitement testifies to the importance of having the right question to ask of the world. It may mean the difference between irritation with a fly and a run down the mountain to begin work on an Essai sur la géographie des plantes.


    Unfortunately for the traveller, most objects don't come affixed with the question that will generate the excitement they deserve. There is usually nothing fixed to them at all, or if there is it tends to be the wrong thing. There was a lot fixed to the Iglesia de San Francisco El Grande, which stood at the end of the long traffic-choked Carrera de San Francisco-but it hardly helped me to be curious about it.

    除了建于18世纪的圣安东尼和圣柏纳蒂诺小教堂外,教堂墙上和天花板上都饰有19世纪的湿壁画和其他画作。北侧的第一座小教堂是圣柏纳蒂诺小教堂,其墙壁的中央画的是:来自喜耶纳的圣柏纳蒂诺,在阿拉贡王面前传教之情景。这幅画的作者为年轻时的戈雅 [16] 。在教堂圣器收藏室和牧师会礼堂内摆设的16世纪靠背座椅,来自宝拉尔修道院,这是一个靠近塞哥维亚的加尔都西会修道院。

    The walls and ceilings of the church are decorated with 19C frescoes and paintings except those in the chapels of saints Anthony and Bernadino which date from the 18C. The Capilla de San Bernardino, the first chapel on the north side, contains in the centre of the wall a St Bernardino of Siena preaching before the King of Aragon (1781), painted by Goya as a young man. The 16C stalls in the sacristy and chapter-house come from the Cartuja de El Paular, the Carthusian monastery near Segovia.


    The information gave no hint as to how curiosity might arise. It was as mute as the fly on Humboldt's mountain. If a traveller was to feel personally involved with (rather than guiltily obedient towards) the 'walls and ceilings of the church … decorated with 19C frescoes and paintings ', he would have to be able to connect these facts-as boring as a fly-to one of the large, blunt questions to which genuine curiosity must be anchored.


    For Humboldt, the question had been, 'Why are there regional variations in nature?' For the person standing before the Iglesia de San Francisco El Grande, a question might be, 'Why have people felt the need to build churches?' or even, 'Why do we worship God?' From such a naïve starting point, a chain of curiosity would have the chance to grow, involving questions like, 'Why are churches different in different places?', 'What have been the main styles of churches?' and 'Who were the main architects and why did they achieve success?' Only through such a slow evolution of curiosity could a traveller stand a chance of greeting the news that the church's vast neo-classical façade was by Sabatini with anything other than boredom or despair.


    A danger of travel is that we see things at the wrong time, before we have had a chance to build up the necessary receptivity and when new information is therefore as useless and fugitive as necklace beads without a connecting chain.





    The risk is compounded by geography: the way that cities contain buildings or monuments that are only a few feet apart in space, but leagues apart in terms of what would be required to appreciate them. Having made a journey to a place we may never revisit, we feel obliged to admire a sequence of things without any connection to one another besides a geographic one, a proper understanding of which would require qualities unlikely to be found in the same person. We are asked to be curious about Gothic architecture on one street and then promptly Etruscan archaeology on the next.

    到马德里观光的游客不得不对皇家宫殿产生兴趣。这座18世纪的皇族居所因为其奢华的洛可可中国风格 [17] 宫室而闻名,它出自那不勒斯设计师加斯帕里尼之手。然而不到一会儿,我们的视线又不得不转向苏菲娅王后艺术中心,这座用石灰粉饰的建筑专门收藏20世纪的艺术作品,镇馆之宝是毕加索的画作《古尔尼卡》。然而,照情理看,一位想对18世纪皇家建筑风格有更深层了解的游客在观赏皇家宫殿后,应该前往布拉格或圣彼得堡的宫殿参观,而不是美术馆。

    The visitor to Madrid is asked to be interested in both the Palacio Real, an eighteenth-century royal residence famed for its chambers decorated with lavish rococo chinoiserie by the Neapolitan designer Gasparini, and-a few moments later-the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, a whitewashed gallery devoted to twentieth-century art, whose highlight is Picasso's Guernica . Yet the natural progression for someone deepening their appreciation of eighteenth-century royal architecture would be to ignore the gallery and head for the royal palaces of Prague and St Petersburg instead.


    Travel twists our curiosity according to a superficial geographical logic, as superficial as if a university course were to prescribe books according to their size rather than subject matter.

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