旅行的艺术:风景 Ⅴ 乡村与城市-3
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    William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in the small town of Cockermouth, on the northern edge of the Lake District. He spent, in his words, 'half his boyhood in running wild among the Mountains' and, aside from interludes in London and Cambridge and travels around Europe, lived his whole life in the Lake District: first in a modest two-storeyed stone dwelling, Dove Cottage, in the village of Grasmere, and then, as his fame increased, in a more substantial home in nearby Rydal.


    And almost every day, he went on a long walk in the mountains or along the lakeshores. He was unbothered by the rain, which, as he admitted, tended to fall in the Lake District 'with a vigour and perseverance that may remind the disappointed traveller of those deluges of rain which fall among the Abyssinian mountains for the annual supply of the Nile'. His acquaintance Thomas de Quincey estimated that Wordsworth had walked 175,000 to 180,000 miles in his life-all the more remarkable, added De Quincey, given his physique: 'For Wordsworth was, upon the whole, not a well-made man. His legs were pointedly condemned by all the female connoisseurs in legs that I ever heard lecture upon the topic.' Sadly, continued De Quincey, 'the total effect of Wordsworth's person was always worst in a state of motion, for, according to the remark I have heard from many country people, “he walked like a cade”-a cade being some sort of insect which advances by an oblique motion'.


    It was during his cadeish walks that Wordsworth derived the inspiration for many of his poems, including To a Butterfly, To the Cuckoo, To a Skylark, To the Daisy and To the Small Celandine -poems about natural phenomena which poets had hitherto looked at casually or ritualistically, but which Wordsworth now declared to be the noblest subjects of his craft. On 16 March 1802-according to the journal of his sister Dorothy, a record of her sibling's movements around the Lake District-Wordsworth walked across a bridge at Brothers Water, a placid lake near Patterdale, then sat down to write the following:


    The cock is crowing


    The stream is flowing


    The small birds twitter,


    The lake doth glitter …


    There's joy in the mountains;


    There's life in the fountains;


    Small clouds are sailing,


    Blue sky prevailing


    A few weeks afterwards, the poet found himself moved to write by the beauty of a sparrow's nest:


    Look, five blue eggs are gleaming there!


    Few visions have I seen more fair,


    Nor many prospects of delight


    More pleasing than that simple sight!




    A need to express joy that he experienced again a few summers later on hearing the sound of a nightingale:


    O Nightingale! thou surely art


    A creature of a fiery heart


    Thou sing'st as if the god of wine


    Had help'd thee to a Valentine.




    They were not haphazard articulations of pleasure. Behind them lay a well-developed philosophy of nature, which-infusing all of Wordsworth's work-made an original and, in the history of Western thought, hugely influential claim about our requirements for happiness and the origins of our unhappiness. The poet proposed that Nature, which he took to comprise, among other elements, birds, streams, daffodils and sheep, was an indispensable corrective to the psychological damage inflicted by life in the city.



    The message met with vicious initial resistance. Lord Byron, reviewing Wordsworth's Poems in Two Volumes in 1807, was bewildered at how a grown man could make such claims on behalf of flowers and animals. 'What will any reader out of the nursery say to such namby-pamby … an imitation of such minstrelsy as soothed our cries in the cradle?' The Edinburgh Review sympathized, declaring Wordsworth's poetry 'a piece of babyish absurdity', and wondered whether it was not a deliberate attempt by the author to turn himself into a laughing stock. 'It is possible that the sight of a garden spade or a sparrow's nest might really have suggested to Wordsworth a train of powerful impressions … but it is certain that to most minds, such associations will always appear forced, strained and unnatural. All the world laughs at Elegiac stanzas to a Sucking-pig, A Hymn on Washing-day, Sonnets to one's Grandmother, or Pindaric odes on Gooseberry-pie; and yet, it seems, it is not easy to convince Mr Wordsworth of this.'


    Parodies of the poet's work began to circulate in the literary journals:

    When I see a cloud,


    I think out loud,


    How lovely it is,


    To see the sky like this


    ran one.


    Was it a robin that I saw?


    Was it a pigeon or a daw?


    ran another.


    Wordsworth was stoic. 'Trouble not yourself upon the present reception of these poems,' he advised Lady Beaumont. 'Of what moment is that when compared with what I trust is their destiny, to console the afflicted, to add sunshine to daylight by making the happy happier, to teach the young and the gracious of every age to see, to think and feel, and therefore to become more actively and securely virtuous; this is their office, which I trust they will faithfully perform long after we (that is, all that is mortal of us) are mouldered in our graves.'

    他惟一的错是在时间判断上。德奎恩斯解释:“1820年以前,华兹华斯的名声被践踏。1820至1830年期间,褒贬互见;到了1830至1835年,胜利降临了。”人们的品位经历了缓慢却鲜明的转变。读者群逐渐停止嘲讽,他们开始欣赏、甚至背诵这些关于蝴蝶或白屈菜的赞歌。游客们因为受华兹华斯诗作的感染而来到他获取灵感的地方观光。于是,温德米尔、赖德尔及格拉斯米尔开始出现新的旅馆。到了1845年,前来“湖区”观光的游客估计比这里的绵羊还多。他们在位于赖德尔的华兹华斯庭院里瞥见诗人的影子,并且在诗人描述过的山坡和湖畔寻找自然界的力量。当骚塞 [3] 于1843年辞世时,华兹华斯被授予桂冠诗人的荣誉。一批追随者甚至筹划将“湖区”命名为华兹华斯郡。

    He was wrong only about how long it would take. 'Up to 1820, the name of Wordsworth was trampled under foot,' explained De Quincey, 'from 1820 to 1830 it was militant; and from 1830 to 1835 it has been triumphant.' Taste underwent a slow but radical transformation. The reading public gradually ceased guffawing and learnt to be charmed and even recite by heart hymns to butterflies and sonnets on celandines. Wordsworth's poetry attracted tourists to the places that had inspired it. New hotels were opened in Windermere, Rydal and Grasmere. By 1845, it was estimated that there were more tourists in the Lake District than sheep. They prized glimpses of the cadeish creature in his garden in Rydal, and on hillsides and lakeshores sought out the sites whose power he had described in verse. On the death of Southey in 1843, Wordsworth was appointed Poet Laureate. Plans were drawn up by a group of well-wishers in London to have the Lake District renamed Wordsworthshire.


    By the time of the poet's death at the age of eighty in 1850 (by which year half of the population of England and Wales was urban), serious critical opinion seemed almost universally sympathetic to his suggestion that regular travel through nature was a necessary antidote to the evils of the city.

      上一篇:旅行的艺术:风景 Ⅴ 乡村与城市-2 下一篇:旅行的艺术:风景 Ⅴ 乡村与城市-4


