The effectiveness of Ruskin's word-painting derived from his method of not only describing what places looked like ('the grass was green, the earth grey-brown'), but also of analysing their effect on us in psychological language ('the grass seemed expansive , the earth timid '). He recognized that many places strike us as beautiful not on the basis of aesthetic criteria-because the colours match or there is symmetry and proportion-but on the basis of psychological criteria, because they embody a value or mood of importance to us.
One morning in London, he watched some cumulus clouds from his window. A factual description might have said that they formed a wall, almost completely white, with a few indentations allowing some sun through. But Ruskin approached his subject more psychologically: 'The true cumulus, the most majestic of clouds … is for the most part windless; the movements of its masses being solemn , continuous, inexplicable , a steady advance or retiring, as if they were animated by an inner will , or compelled by an unseen power [my italics].'
In the Alps, he described pine trees and rocks in similarly psychological terms: 'I can never stay long without awe under an Alpine cliff, looking up to its pines, as they stand on the inaccessible juts and perilous ledges of an enormous wall, in quiet multitudes, each like the shadow of the one beside it-upright, fixed, not knowing each other . You cannot reach them, cannot cry to them;-those trees never heard human voice; they are far above all sound but of the winds. No foot ever stirred fallen leaf of theirs. All comfortless they stand, yet with such iron will that the rock itself looks bent and shattered beside them-fragile, weak, inconsistent , compared to their dark energy of delicate life and monotony of enchanted pride.'
Through such psychological descriptions, we seem to come closer to answering the question of why a place has stirred us. We come closer to the Rnskinian goal of consciously understanding what we have loved.