It would scarcely have been possible to guess that the man parked at the kerbside opposite a row of large office blocks was doing some word-painting. The only hint was a notepad pressed against the wheel, on which he occasionally scribbled something between long periods of staring.
现在是晚上11:30,我已经绕着船坞开了几个小时的车,并在伦敦城市机场前停下来喝了些咖啡(我一直想在这里看最后一班飞机,一架瑞航附属的十字航空Avro RJ85型飞机,飞向苏黎世的天空——或者飞往波德莱尔所说的“任何地方!任何地方!”)。在回家的路上,我望见了西印度船坞上巨大而明亮的高楼。办公室似乎与四周朴素而微弱的灯光照亮下的房屋所形成的景致没有任何关联。它们出现在哈得孙河畔或是在前往卡纳维拉尔角的飞机的一边也许会更加合适。水蒸气从两座相邻的高楼的顶部升起,整个区域被笼罩上了一层均匀、稀薄的雾气。大部分楼层的灯依然亮着,甚至从远处都能看见室内的计算机终端、会议室、花盆里的植物和活动挂图。
It was eleven-thirty at night and I had been driving around the docks for several hours, stopping for coffee at London City Airport (where I had longingly watched the last flight, a Crossair Avro RJ85, take to the skies for Zurich-or for Baudelaire's 'Anywhere! Anywhere!'). On my way home, I came upon the giant illuminated towers of the West India Docks. The offices seemed to have no connection with the surrounding landscape of modest and weakly lit houses. They would have been more at home on the banks of the Hudson or to one side of the space shuttle at Cape Canaveral. Steam was rising from the top of two adjacent towers and the whole area had been painted with an even, sparse coating of fog. The lights were still on in most floors, and even from a distance one could see computer terminals, meeting rooms, pot plants and flip charts inside.
It was a beautiful scene, and along with the impression of beauty came the desire to possess its source, a desire which, to follow Ruskin, only art could properly satisfy.
I began word-painting. Descriptive passages came most readily: the offices were tall, the top of one tower was like a pyramid, it had ruby-red lights on its side, the sky was not black but an orangey yellow. But because a factual description seemed not to help me in pinning down why the scene was impressive, I attempted to analyse its beauty in more psychological terms. The power of the scene appeared to be located in the effect of the night and of the fog on the towers. Night drew attention to facets of the offices that were submerged in the day. Lit by the sun, the offices could seem normal, they repelled questions as effectively as their windows repelled glances. But night upset this claim to normality; it allowed one to see inside and wonder at how strange, frightening and admirable they were. The offices embodied order and cooperation between thousands and at the same time regimentation and tedium. A bureaucratic vision of seriousness was undermined, or at least questioned, by the night. One wondered in the darkness what the flip charts and office terminals were for: not that they were redundant, just that they might be stranger and more dubitable than daylight had allowed us to think.
At the same time, fog ushered nostalgia. Foggy nights may, like certain smells, carry us back to other times we experienced them. I thought of nights at university, walking home along illuminated playing fields; and of the differences between my life then and now, which led to a bittersweet sadness for difficulties that had beset me then and precious things that had since been lost.
There were bits of paper all over the car now. The standard of the word-painting was not far above that of my childlike drawing of an oak tree in the Langdale valley. But quality was not the point. I had at least attempted to follow one strand of what Ruskin judged to be the twin purposes of art: to make sense of pain and to fathom the sources of beauty.
And, as he had pointed out when presented with a series of misshapen drawings that a group of his pupils had produced on their travels through the English countryside: 'I believe that the sight is a more important thing than the drawing; and I would rather teach drawing that my pupils may learn to love nature, than teach the looking at nature that they may learn to draw.'