1.I have something personal to tell you.
重点词语:personal adj.私人的,个人的 n.人事广告
商务用语:a personal letter 私人信件
personal property 个人财产;[律]动产
personal rights 人权恒星英语论坛
personal call 亲自拜访
2.Hes was asked to go to the personnel department for an interview.
重点词语:personnel n.人员,人事(部门)
商务用语:personnel agency 职业介绍所
personnel expenditure 用人经费
personnel manager 人事经理
personnel problems 人员问题
3.The company will reimburse you out of petty cash.
重点词语:petty adj.小的
商务用语:petty bourgeois 小资产阶级分子
petty proprietor 小业主
4.The new method will be phased into the system.
重点词语:phase n.阶段,相位 vt.& vi.定相
商务用语:phase in 逐步采用,逐步引入
decline phase 衰退期
phase out 逐步停止采用,逐步退出
every phase of the operation 营运的各个方面
5.The lawyer picked the testimony apart.
重点词语:pick vt.选择,挑拣
商务用语:picking list 用于择取生产或运输定货的表格
pick and choose 很细心地挑选
pick up 改良;进步