394. But experts say Japan is unique in that sales have been decreasing steadily over time.
in that意为“由于,因为”。over time意为“随着时间的流逝,久而久之”。如:Bad habits are developed over time. 坏习惯随着时间的积累慢慢养成。
与time有关的短语还有:against time意为“争分夺秒地,尽快地”。如:
The medical team is racing against time to save the survivors of the plane crash. 医疗人员正争分夺秒地抢救坠机事故中的幸存者。
behind time意为“迟了,误时”。如:
The train was one hour behind time. 火车晚点一个小时。
behind the time(s)意为“陈旧,落后,过时”。如:
Your views on marriage are quite behind the times. 你的婚姻观已经相当过时了。