教程:选词填空  浏览:25  
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    As urbanization continues to accelerate, its environmental impact has become increasingly serious. The rise of cities has led to a significant increase in population density, ______ greater pressure on natural resources and the environment.

    One of the most immediate effects is the loss of green spaces. As urban areas expand, forests, wetlands, and other natural habitats are often cleared to make way for housing, roads, and other infrastructure. This results in a decrease in biodiversity and a disruption of ecological balance.

    Another key issue is the increased demand for energy. Urban areas require vast amounts of energy for heating, cooling, lighting, and transportation. This high demand often leads to increased fossil fuel consumption, ______ in higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.

    Moreover, urbanization has also led to an increase in waste generation. With more people living in close proximity, the amount of solid waste, liquid waste, and hazardous waste produced daily has skyrocketed. Proper waste management and recycling have become crucial to mitigating the negative environmental impact of urbanization.

    However, it is important to note that urbanization also presents opportunities for environmental improvement. Cities can become hubs for innovation and technology, ______ to develop sustainable solutions to environmental challenges. For example, the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, can help reduce fossil fuel dependence and lower emissions.

    A. translating
    B. resulting
    C. conducive
    D. enabling




    B, D, C


    第一个空描述了城市化对自然资源和环境压力的影响,需要一个表达“导致”的词汇,因此“B. resulting”(导致)是合适的选项。

    第二个空描述了化石燃料消耗增加与温室气体排放和空气污染之间的关系,需要一个表达“使得”或“导致”的词汇,因此“D. enabling”(使能够)是恰当的,尽管在这里它的意思更接近于“导致”。

    第三个空描述了城市化如何为环境改善提供机会,需要一个表达“有助于”或“促进”的词汇,因此“C. conducive”(有助于)是最佳选择。


      上一篇:英语四级选词填空训练:技术对教育的影响 下一篇:英语四级选词填空:长时间看电视带来的影响

