What is wine culture 什么是酒文化
Wine is an alcoholic beverage, made of fermented fruit juice, usually from grapes. The natural chemical balance of grapes lets them ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, or other nutrients. Grape wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast. Yeast consumes the sugars in the grapes and converts them into alcohol. Different varieties of grapes and strains of yeasts produce different types of wine.
Wine has a rich history dating back thousands of years, with the earliest known production occurring around 8,000 years ago on the territory of modern-day Georgia. It first appeared in the Balkans at about 4500 BC and was very common in ancient Greece, Thrace and Rome. Wine has also played an important role in religion throughout history. The Greek god Dionysus and the Roman equivalent Bacchus represented wine, and the drink is also used in Christian Eucharist ceremonies and the Jewish Kiddush.
Wine Clubs are a developing extension of modern wine culture. Wine clubs are designed to provide customers with a series of wine bottles on a monthly or quarterly basis that they would otherwise have to find and purchase on their own. Wine clubs often behave in a themed manner, providing recipients with red wines, white wines, or a mixture of the two. Wine clubs are most frequently offered by vineyards or specialty wine shops, but they can also be found as independent bodies.
酒文化(wine culture)是指酒在生产、销售、消费过程中所产生的物质文化(material culture)和精神文化(spiritual culture)的总称。酒文化包括酒的制法、品法、作用、历史等酒文化现象。既有酒自身的物质特征(physical characteristics),也有品酒所形成的精神内涵(spiritual connotation),是制酒饮酒活动过程中形成的特定文化形态(culture type)。酒文化在中国源远流长,不少文人学士(scholars and men of letters)写下了品评鉴赏美酒佳酿(vintage wine)的著述,留下了斗酒、写诗、作画、养生(health maintenance)、宴会(banquet)、饯行等酒坛佳话。酒作为一种特殊的文化载体(culture carrier),在人类交往(interpersonal interaction)中占有独特的地位。酒文化已经渗透到人类社会生活中的各个领域,对文学艺术、医疗卫生(health and medicine)、工农业生产、政治经济各方面都有着巨大的影响和作用。
Grape picking is the greatest celebration in the winemaking regions. We should not forget, however, that every region in Hungary has some sort of wine culture.
In a romantic atmosphere you will be presented a story evolved with the culture of emotion and wine.
Ancient culture of wine supplied wide room of appreciation of the beautiful and the object of appreciation of the beautiful for ancient literature.
China is one of the countries which have the longest history of wine-engendering, as the seal and token of Chinese nation, how did the dragon enter the Chinese wine culture?
The predestined relationship between art and liquor is widely reflected in the witchery and religion fete activities of ancient times. Considered from the psychological perspective of social life and social culture, the fusion of art and liquor culture is inevitable.
This cultural landscape displays the long tradition of wine production in northeastern Hungary.
An anthropologist and a team of researchers have unveiled some of the arcane rituals of British pubs-starting with the difficulty of getting a drink.
The paper elaborated the practical creative train of thought of the organic combination of Chinese traditional culture & spirit packing art by analyzing example & teaching practice of art design of spirit packing.
Talk freely about the Saying "No Custom without Wine".On Wine Culture Embodied into Chinese National Custom.
Being one part of the liquor culture, liquor container permeates through every aspect of the society and influences the life of people in different stratum.
Part 3 Let's Talk! 开始交流吧!
Akon: Hey, Ram. Would you like some drinks?
Ram: OK. Shall we go to a bar?
Akon: Good idea. I like hanging out in bars at night.
Ram: Why?
Akon: For killing time and making new friends.
Ram: Don't you think it's too noisy here? The rock music! I can hardly bear it.
Akon: Calm down! My little guy! You'll get used to that after you come here several times.
Ram: Well, I'll try. Then what would you like to drink? It's on me.
Akon: Thanks.
Ram: Do you want domestic or imported beer?
Akon: Heineken, please.
Ram: Make it two.
Akon: You know, I prefer to craft beer. Maybe some other day, I can make one for you.
Ram: Oh, really? That would be great!
Akon: Hey, look at the guy over there.
Ram: Oh, he is an expert in making wine.
Akon: What's his name? Maybe we could buy him a drink.