常用财经词汇表:J, j~L, l
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    常用财经词汇表:J, j~L, l

    joint holder 联名持有人

    joint liability 连带责任;共同责任

    joint liquidator 联合清盘人

    joint loan 联合贷款

    joint owner 联名拥有人

    joint ownership 共有权

    joint petition 共同呈请书

    joint property 联权共有财产

    joint statement 联合启事

    joint stock association 合股组织

    joint tenancy 联权共有

    joint tenant 联权共有人

    joint total income 共同入息总额

    joint venture contract 合营合约

    joint-stock bank 合股银行

    joint-stock company 合股公司

    journal entry 日记账分录

    judgment creditor 判定债权人

    judgment debt 判定债项

    judgment debtor 判定债务人

    judicial trustee 司法受托人

    junk bond 劣等债券;垃圾债券

    kerb market 场外市场

    kerb trading 场外交易

    key money 保证金;押金

    kickback 回佣;佣金

    kite-flying 开空头支票

    kiting 开空头支票

    kiting cheque 空头支票

    known contingency 已知的应急费用

    known liabilities 已知负债

    leap-frogging 跳增

    lease 租契;租约

    leasehold property 批租土地财产

    leave pay 假期工资

    ledger 分类账

    ledger book 分类账簿

    legacy 遗产;非土地遗赠

    legal charge 法定押记

    legal cost 讼费

    legal estate 法定产业权

    legal fee 法律费用

    legal interest 法定权益

    legal mortgage 法定按揭

    legal tender 法定货币

    lending 贷款;放款

    lending agreement 借贷协议

    lending margin 贷款利率差价

    lessee 承租人

    lessor 出租人;批租人

    letter of administration 遗产管理书

    letter of allotment 配股通知书

    letter of assurance 保证书

    letter of indication 签印证明书

    letter of intent 意向书

    letter of release 同意释款书

    letter of renunciation 放弃书

    level off 趋向平稳;趋平

    level playing field 公平竞争的环境

    leverage 杠杆作用;杠杆比率

    leveraged buy-out 杠杆式收购

    licensee 持牌人;持证人

    licensing condition 发牌条件

    licensing court 牌照法庭

    licensing criterion 发牌准则

    liquidation of an account 平仓

    liquidation of position 平仓

    liquidator 清盘人

    liquidator's bond 清盘人的债券

    listed company 上市公司

    listed corporation 上市机构

    listed investment 上市投资

    listed securities 上市证券

    listed share 上市股份

    listing 上市;挂牌

    listing agreement 上市协议

    listing fee 上市费

    listing matter 上市事宜

    Lloyd's agent 劳合社代理人

    Lloyd's broker 劳合社经纪

    Lloyd's underwriter 劳合社承保人

    loan 借贷;贷款;借款

    loan account 贷款账户;放款账户

    loan agreement 贷款协议

    loan capital 借贷资本

    loan ceiling 贷款限制

    loan creditor 贷款债权人

    loan finance facility 借款融通

    Loan Fund 贷款基金

    loan interest 贷款利息

    loan portfolio 贷款组合

    loan repayment 贷款还款

    loan shark 高利贷者

    loan stock 债权股额;贷款债券

    loan syndicate 贷款银团

    local branch 本地分行

    local cost 本地成本

    local inflation 本地通胀

    loss brought forward 承前亏损

    Lotteries Fund 奖券基金

    lottery 奖券;彩票

    low value-added 低增值

    lump sum payment 整笔付款

    long-term debt 长期债项

      上一篇:常用财经词汇表:I, i 下一篇:常用财经词汇表:M, m


