FORBES KOREA recently released its list of the 40 most influential celebrities in Korea, the top 10 of whom we show here. Income and number of media appearances were among the criteria considered for this ranking. Noteworthy trend: Musical stars Suzy (No. 3) and IU (No. 10) are expanding their résumés by finding work as actresses.
1. Girls’ Generation (or “SNSD”)
1、少女时代(Girls’ Generation,或称“SNSD”)
Last December the band released a Japanese album called Love & Peace. On the day of release it ranked first on JPOP Oricon Daily Album Chart. Last January released I Got a Boy.
这个女子音乐组合于去年12月发行了一张日文专辑《Love & Peace》。此张专辑在发行首日就登上了日本Jpop公信榜单日专辑排行榜(JPOP Oricon Daily Album Chart)的冠军位置。少女时代于去年1月发行了专辑《I Got a Boy》。
2. Big Bang
2、Big Bang
The members of the band are versatile: Seungri is an MC host in Japan; Daesung ranked first for his single album on the JPOP chart; bandleader G-Dragon released Coup D’Etat, which ranked first on the iTunes chart in Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and 8 other countries and positioned him in the Billboard 200. Since last November Big Bang has attracted 771,000 fans in 16 world tour concerts.
这个乐队的各位成员多才多艺:李胜贤(Seungri)是一位日本的节目主持人;姜大成的个人专辑问鼎了Jpop排行榜;队长权志龙(G-Dragon)发行的专辑《Coup D’Etat》在泰国、台湾、香港以及其他八个国家的iTunes排行榜上名列榜首,并且令他跻身Billboard 200专辑排行榜。自从去年11月以来,Big Bang举办了16场世界巡回演唱会,并且吸引了771,000名粉丝到场观看。
3. Suzy
Received Mnet 20’s Drama Star award. Received MBC network’s Best Actress award.
斩获了Mnet 20电视剧最佳女演员和韩国MBC女子最优秀演技奖。
4. Ryu Hyun-Jin
4、柳贤振(Ryu Hyun-Jin)
Pitcher with MLB’s Los Angeles Dodgers had 14 wins, 8 losses last season.
这位美国职棒大联盟(MLB)洛杉矶道奇队(Los Angeles Dodgers)的投手在上个赛季取得了14胜8负的战绩。
5. EXO
Rising boy band (12 members). Ranked first for their hit songs. Sold
6. Choo Shin-Soo
6、秋信守(Choo Shin-Soo)
Star outfielder had 21 home runs last season with MLB’s Cincinnati Reds. Signed a 7-year contract over the winter with Texas Rangers for $130 million. Recently appeared in quirky, widely ridiculed bulgogi advertisement in the New York Times.
这位明星外野手在上个赛季为美国职棒大联盟的辛辛那提红人队(Cincinnati Reds)贡献了21支全垒打。他在冬季与德州游骑兵队(Texas Rangers)签订了一份为期七年的合同,价值1.3亿美元。最近,他出现在了《纽约时报》(New York Times)一则古怪而广受嘲笑的烤肉广告中。
Pop duo ranked first on JPOP Oricon chart. Sold 11 million album CDs solely in Japan. Had about 144,000 people at one of their concerts in Japan. World tour included the U.S., Chile, China, Malaysia.
8. SHINee
Boy band sold 185,000 album CDs. Received 3 awards at Golden Disk.
9. Yuna Kim
9、金妍儿(Yuna Kim)
Figure skater is big endorser: Maeil Milk, Prospects, LG Saffron, Samsung air conditioners. Gold medalist at Vancouver Winter Olympics. Silver at Sochi.
这位花样滑冰运动员为多家品牌进行代言:Maeil牛奶、Prospects、LG Saffron和三星空调。金妍儿在温哥华冬季奥运会(Vancouver Winter Olympics)中摘得金牌,在索契冬季奥运会中摘得银牌。
10. IU
Title song of third album, Red Shoes, ranked first in various ranking charts. For 3 weeks the No. 1 through No. 11 songs were all hers on the Top 100 of the Gaon Music Chart. Rising actress. Awarded Rookie of the Year honor on KBS network for her thespian efforts.
第三张专辑的主打曲目《红舞鞋》(Red Shoes)在多家排行榜上拔得头筹,李智恩还连续3周包揽了Gaon音乐排行榜100强的前11名。与此同时,她还是一名势头正劲的女演员,KBS授予了她演技大赏新人女演员奖,以表达对于她演技的认可。