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    A Kansas City radio station has identified DJ Lisa Lopez-Galvan as the first victim of the Super Bowl parade mass shooting.

    Lopez-Galvan’s employer, KKFI 90.1 FM, confirmed her death by sharing a report from the Kansas City Star on Wednesday, February 14, that stated the DJ died after attending the event in Kansas City, Missouri earlier that day.
    洛佩兹-加尔万的雇主KKFI 90.1 FM在2月14日星期三分享了《堪萨斯城星报》的一篇报道,证实了她的死讯。报道称,洛佩兹-加尔万当天早些时候在密苏里州堪萨斯城参加活动后死亡。

    “It is with sincere sadness and an extremely heavy and broken heart that we let our community know that KKFI DJ Lisa Lopez, host of Taste of Tejano lost her life today in the shooting at the KC Chiefs’ rally,” the statement read via Facebook. “Our hearts and prayers are with her family. We encourage anyone who feels they saw something to reach out to law enforcement at 816 234 5111. This senseless act has taken a beautiful person from her family and this KC Community.”
    “我们带着真诚的悲伤和极其沉重和破碎的心让我们的社区知道,KKFI DJ丽莎·洛佩兹,《特哈诺的味道》的主持人,今天在KC酋长集会上的枪击事件中丧生,”该声明通过Facebook读到。“我们的心和祈祷与她的家人同在。我们鼓励任何觉得看到了什么的人拨打816 234 5111与执法部门联系。这种毫无意义的行为已经从她的家庭和这个KC社区夺走了一个美丽的人。”

    Friends of Lopez-Galvan confirmed her death to The Star after speaking with her family. The mother of two reportedly died during surgery after suffering a gunshot wound to her abdomen. It is unclear whether Lopez-Galvan is the one death that Kansas City police confirmed, or if her murder marks a second victim.

    “She was the most wonderful, beautiful person,” Lisa Lopez, Lopez-Galvan’s longtime friend (no relation) told The Star. “She was a local DJ. She did everybody’s weddings. We all know her. She was so full of life.”

    Nearly one million fans gathered at the city’s Union Station on Wednesday to celebrate the Chiefs defeating the San Francisco 49ers for the Super Bowl LVIII title. After speeches made by quarterback Patrick Mahomes, tight end Travis Kelce and head coach Andy Reid, partygoers began to exit the event when the Kansas City Police Department reported that a shooting had occurred close by.

    “Shots have been fired around Union Station. Please leave the area,” their statement read via X. Local police officers subsequently confirmed that one attendee had died and more than 20 were injured. Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City is treating 12 of the victims, 9 who are children suffering gunshot wounds but are all expected to recover.

    After news of the shooting made headlines, the Kansas City Chiefs issued a statement offering their deepest condolences to all those affected by the tragedy.

    “We are truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today’s parade and rally,” the statement posted via X read. “Our hearts go out to the victims, their families and all of Kansas City.”

    Several Chiefs players also took to social media to send support to their city, including Mahomes, 28, who wrote via X, “Praying for Kansas City” shortly after the shooting took place.

    Kelce, 34, shared that he was “heartbroken” over what took place. “My heart is with all who came out to celebrate with us and have been affected,” he added. “KC, you mean the world to me.”

    Chiefs receiver Marquez Valdes-Scantling, for his part, asked for contacts to Children’s Mercy Hospital in hopes of helping the 11 injured minors in any way he could. “Any chance anyone can help me get in touch with these kids or families? First off I want to make sure they’re doing ok,” he wrote via X at the time. “But would love to help them out any way I can and get them some stuff from the team to help with the recovery.”
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