
A student from Shanghai Jiaotong University watches a video lecture from an online education platform called "Nanyang Academy" via his iPad in April. The university currently offers lectures for 42 courses on its website - more than 1,000 hours of instruction. Provided to China Daily
Massive Open Online Courses - which involve widespread participation and open access through the Internet - were initiated in the West. However, users in China now form one of the largest student groups.
Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC,大规模在线开放课程)也被称为“慕课”,最初指教师传统授课过程的电子版,现在,世界各地已经有了专门的MOOC平台,不少世界名校都开设了免费在线课程,课程内容多为视频形式,从几分钟到十几分钟不等,学生看完一部分后需答对相应的问题才能继续学习,学生之间还可在线进行讨论。此外,MOOC也有作业,deadline和期末考试,并由机器来打分,有些课程通过考试还可获得一张证书。
除了慕课之外,近几年开始流行的翻转课堂(flipped classroom)也逐渐成为教育领域的热门话题。传统的标准化的教育模式已经无法满足现代的教育需求,因人而异、注重互动的新型教育模式将是发展主流。